“The superintendent let me in.” Colton swings the door shut behind us and takes my hand .
My knees go weak at his touch. My heart sings with joy. Tears well in my eyes and I take the first full breath I’ve had since he walked out the door in January. “What is this?” I ask, swallowing hard .
“We have to celebrate.” Colton leads me to the couch and sits .
He nods. “I got the coaching position with the Thunderhawks. Well, kind of.” He explains that he has a year to learn the ropes before the job is really his .
“That’s wonderful.” I blink and swallow again. “I’m really happy for you .”
And I’ve missed you so much and it’s killing me to sit here with you like we’re nothing more than friends .
“I’m really happy, too. And I never would have taken the step if it wasn’t for you. In fact, I think I would have spent my whole life with a giant chip on my shoulder if you hadn’t encouraged me to make some changes in my life.” Colton shifts and reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a folded sheet of paper. He hands it to me .
“What’s this ?”
“Open it .”
Numb, I do as he says and stare in confusion .
“These are plans for a house,” he explains. “I’m getting rid of the trailer and I’m going to build a home. This is the kitchen. And the living room. And here’s the master.” He points to each room in turn. “This is a spare bedroom, for whatever the future may hold .”
I sigh. Close my eyes and hand the paper back to him. “I’m glad to see things are going so well. I’m really happy for you.” It’s a lie. I’m devastated. I’m glad he’s okay but I’m about five seconds away from falling to pieces .
Colton scoots closer and takes my hands. “I’m miserable without you, Blue Eyes. These last few months have been torture. I knew I loved you, but I didn’t know how damn much I loved you until you were gone. I was a lost cause until I got the call from the school about the job. I don’t know how to live without you, Tessa .”
As much as I fight them, tears spring to life and roll down my cheeks. “Colton…” I begin .
He presses a finger to my lips. “I know you think our differences are irreconcilable, that our future is a freight train barreling down on us, but people change. Life changes us .”
I nod frantically because yes . I’ve changed. Him being in my life and then being gone changed me .
Colton slides off the couch and crouches at my feet. “The thought of having children scares me to death. But — ”
My phone rings, interrupting him. The name of the school in Colorado flashes across the caller ID and Colton frowns down at it .
“It’s a job interview,” I manage .
The phone rings again .
“In Colorado?” Colton sits back on his heels .
I nod as the phone rings again. “I can’t be here anymore .”
He blinks, pain shooting across his face and I stare down at the phone in my hands. I could answer the call and run away from all this. Avoid the pain of sitting next to the love of my life, knowing he’s the only man I will ever love and there’s so much road between here and our happy ending. It’s been three months, for God’s sake .
Nowhe shows up? Now ? When I’ve finally healed enough to take the steps that will put my life back together ?
The phone rings .
Colton stands. Wipes his mouth with his hand and stares at the device in my hand. “Answer it .”
My finger hovers over the accept button and then I reject the call .
“You didn’t have to do that,” Colton says .
“I did.” I stare into his eyes and let out a long breath. “If you’re here, I did .”