I drop my head into my hands and tug at my hair .
“Look Colton, you and I see eye to eye on lots of things, but you’re being really fucking stupid right now. You’re a mess without her .”
“I feel like we see eye to eye on that one, too .”
Sarah rolls her eyes. “And I bet she’s a mess without you .”
The thought of Tessa sitting alone and sad in her apartment because I’ve been hiding in my trailer kicks my ass into gear. I’m off the couch before I even know I wanted to move. I pace aimlessly in front of the couch before heading into the kitchen for another beer. “You want one ?”
Sarah holds up her still full bottle. “Still no .”
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m falling to pieces. The thing is, I really think I could love this woman. The world would be a better place if people were more like her. The last thing I want to do is lose her and I can’t figure out how to have this particular conversation with Tessa and not drive a wedge between us .”
Sarah pivots, resting her arm on the back of the couch. “I can understand that. But please, explain to me how hiding out here and ignoring her for a week isn’t driving a wedge between you .”
I blow a puff of air past my lips. “That’s a really fucking good point .”
“Of course it is. All I ever make are good points .”
“Okay, then. Make a couple more of those good points for me.” I lean on the counter and eye my sister. “What should I do ?”
“You need to stop acting like a scared little boy, stop hiding, and talk to her. You and Tessa have something special and I’ll be the first to admit my complete and utter shock about it. I could have sworn you two were nothing but a flash in the pan, but you’re not. You’ve got…” She waves her hand through the air. “It. Whatever that thing is that everyone’s always looking for but can never quite explain? Yeah. Put the two of you together and boom. There it is.” Sarah lifts a shoulder and lets it fall. “Just seeing the way you look at each other makes me feel happy, and we both know how rarely that happens,” she says quietly. “Don’t lose that, Colton. Hold onto it with everything you have .”
Sarah purses her lips together and stares at the floor. She takes a long breath and lets it out slowly, then slaps her hands onto her thighs and stands. “Look. I’m gonna go.” Her voice is thick with emotion. “Call me if you wanna talk or whatever.” She forces a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, and without pausing to say goodbye, Sarah gathers her things and leaves .