Page 41 of Along Comes Trouble

“But are you? Really? It seems to me like you’re constantly looking for the next best thing, going home with anyone who catches your interest…” I trail off when I notice Sarah glaring at me .

“I’m very happy, thank you very much. Just because I’m not looking for the guy or because I don’t want to ruin my life by starting a family doesn’t mean I’m not happy. My life doesn’t have to be a carbon copy of yours in order for things to be good .”

I flinch at the edge to her voice. “I know that. I just think family is important .”

“Yeah. I’ve gathered that. But it’s not for me. In fact, my family has given me a heavy load of shit to carry around with me so, can you please stop trying to solve all my problems? I’ll let you do you if you’ll let me do me.” She flicks on a turn signal .

“Yeah. Sure. Sorry.” I sit back in my seat, feeling bad for bringing it up .

“So things between you and Colton are good?” Sarah asks after a few minutes of silence .

“They’re so good,” I reply, thankful for the chance to move on to safer topics. “When I think back to how much I hated him when we first met, I have to laugh because now I feel like we’re perfect for each other .”

Sarah pulls into a parking spot, puts the car in park, and turns to me, her eyebrows visible over the rim of her sunglasses. “You’re kidding, right ?”

Her reaction baffles me. “No, not really .”

“You and Colton couldn’t be more opposite if you tried. The two of you together are lots of things, but perfect is not one of them .”

“Gee, Sarah. Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?” I’ve had all I can take from her this morning .

“I am telling you how I really feel and I’m sorry if it offends you to hear it, but maybe you need to climb down off cloud nine for a little dose of reality. You want the house, the kids, the big family with holiday traditions. Colton doesn’t want any of that. You two are destined to fail .”

“What in the world has gotten into you?” I ask, appalled .

“Into me ? Are you sure you’re the one who should be asking that question? You’re the one who’s busy changing every aspect of her life because she met a guy .”

My jaw drops. “What the hell are you talking about ?”

“I’m talking about the fact that when I met you, you were more likely to sit at home, reading and working, than you were to come out with me. Why do you think I wanted to be your friend? For one, I liked you, but for two, I thought you’d be a good influence on me. But now, you’re out with me or Colton every night of the week, getting drunk, making mistakes. It’s like you don’t even know who you are anymore .”

I stare at her as I work to control my anger. “You think I’m making mistakes ?”

“I think you’re losing sight of yourself. The Tessa I know doesn’t drink when she has to drive. She doesn’t stay out late when she has to work. She doesn’t abandon friends when she makes plans .”

“You do realize how hypocritical you sound right now, don’t you? First you tell me to let you do you and you’ll let me do me. Then you jump right into criticizing my choices. Besides, my choices look a lot like ones you’d make right now .”

“Fine. I’m a hypocrite. But you and I both know you’re a better person than me.” Sarah runs her hands along the steering wheel. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all. Colton is a lot of fun and he’s really good at making you feel like you’re the most important thing in the whole world, but I just want you to be careful, Tess. The two of you don’t want the same stuff and I’d hate for you to get hurt figuring all that out. Especially when I can see it all so clearly .”

I let out a long breath. “I don’t know what to say to you right now. I’m stuck somewhere between offended by what you’ve said and oddly touched by—but still mad at—your desire to look out for me .”

“You don’t have to say anything. Just, keep your eyes open, you know. I love you and I love my brother and I don’t want this to implode because I can’t see a way out of this where I don’t lose at least one of you .”

I nod, still too stunned to speak, and climb out of the car on autopilot. Is any of what Sarah said true? None of it feels true, but am I fooling myself? Are Colton and I a ticking time bomb, destined to explode in a spectacular fashion? Or are we just different enough that we can help each other grow beyond our faults? We definitely push each other out of our comfort zones. I thought that was a good thing. He has a coaching application on file and I know what it means to relax and have fun. But what if Sarah’s right? What if we’re pushing past our boundaries the way someone stretches a rubber band, pulling and pulling and pulling until the rubber is so taut, the thing either breaks or snaps violently back into its original shape ?