“T hank God,”I say when Tessa’s door cracks open. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all morning. You scared the shit out of me .”
She peeks at me through the crack, her hair wet and slicked back from her face. “I pretty much just woke up .”
“I figured you’d be in bed for a while, but when you didn’t respond to my texts, I started to worry. After how much you were throwing up, I couldn’t stop picturing you in a pile of your own vomit. I almost stayed last night …”
“You were here?” Her eyes go wide before she squeezes them closed, letting out a moan of discomfort. I bet her head is throbbing and the late morning sun must be excruciating .
“How do you think you got home ?”
She makes a face and shakes her head. “I’ve been trying to figure that out since I woke up .”
“Oh, shit. You don’t remember? That makes sense. I’ll be honest, Tess. I can’t remember the last time I saw someone that wasted .”
Tessa lets out a long breath. “We didn’t…?” She bites her bottom lip .
“I am not the kind of man who would take advantage of a woman as drunk as you were, no matter how much you came on to me.” Or, no matter how much I wanted to. And after the night we spent together, laughing and talking, the way it felt to have her hands on me, believe me, I wanted to .
Tessa snorts. “Me? Come on to you? I did no such thing .”
“You very much did such a thing. Right here. On this very doorstep. Then, like the perfect gentleman I am, I helped you inside and held your hair while you hurled. Anyway, you gonna let me in? It’s chilly out here.” I move to step into the apartment but Tessa blocks the door .
“It’s definitely chilly out there,” she says, shivering. “And I’m dripping all over the floor.” Her voice sounds like a dismissal and I’m not having it. We made too much progress last night for her to push me away now .
“I said it last night and I meant it, even if you don’t remember it. I deserve a medal for ignoring you when you had your hands all over my…” I glance down at my crotch, “…goods,” I say and then smile at her. “And I’m here to collect .”
“I am quite sure I didn’t have my hands all over your goods .”
“You most definitely did .”
“Well, I don’t have any medals .”
“That’s fine. I’ll settle for your company.” And with that, I push through her front door before she has a chance to respond. She squeals in protest and I understand why as soon as I’m past the threshold .
Tessa clutches at a flimsy towel that barely covers her body. Water runs down her shapely thighs and her full breasts spill over the top of the terry cloth fabric. Her beautiful hair is wet and slicked back from her face, which is completely clean and devoid of makeup. I stare because she’s beautiful and she blushes because I stare. Which only makes her more beautiful. Which makes me want to stare more. It’s a vicious circle I don’t want to break .
“I should get dressed,” she murmurs, barely able to make eye contact .
“Have you eaten? I know the best place for hangover food .”
“I’ve been trying to figure out food since I woke up. Nothing that I have here seems the least bit palatable .”
“Tell you what. You go upstairs and put on the comfiest clothes you can find and I’ll take you out for something to eat. You don’t even have to worry about your hair. Pull it back into a ponytail. You can even wear my hat if you want. Put on some big sunglasses. Presto! You’re about as protected from the sun as you could possibly be .”
“I don’t know…” Tessa tugs at the bottom of the towel, trying desperately to cover more of her skin .
“You and I have fun together. You can’t deny that. And what’s better than sitting around with someone who makes you laugh when you don’t feel good?” I pause while she searches for an answer. “See? There’s nothing better, is there ?”
“There’s such a thing as too much fun .”
“There most definitely is not .”
She flinches and places a hand against her temple. “My headache would disagree .”
“Come on, Tess. You said it last night. You’re tired of playing it safe and want to be set free. I’m here to set you free .”
“Drunk me is dumb,” she says, a light smile playing across her face .
“Drunk you is fun. Now. Go on. Get dressed. Let me take care of you.” And to my utter surprise, Tessa complies .