“You sure did.” There’s a moment of silence, of charged space between us, and all I need is one look at her face to know she feels it, too .
Tessa licks her lips, her gaze darting to my mouth before she clears her throat, steps away, and reaches for her drink. “That might be the first time I’ve ever actually hit the board.” She grins, her eyes roaming my face. “I feel like we should stop while I’m ahead .”
“That might be a good idea. What about pool? Are you lethal with a cue ball as well ?”
She drinks, looking up at me through her eyelashes. “I’m much better at pool .”
“Alright then, the pool table is empty and with so many people here, it won’t stay that way for long.” I place my hand on the small of her back and guide her through the crowded bar. We sidestep a stumbling Obi Wan Kenobi who’s way too drunk for this early in the evening, and end up in front of the pool table without issue .
A giggling girl in a tacky Kardashian costume pauses when she sees us, gripping her friend’s arm. “Oh my gosh! You guys look amazing together,” she says while her friend’s eyes go wide, traveling down my face and getting stuck on my bare torso .
Somewhere between growing up on a farm, puberty, and getting pretty damn good at football, I developed the kind of body that makes girls go dumb. Usually, I’m fine with it. Right now, I’d prefer to have less of their attention and more of Tessa’s. We thank the girls and rack the balls. Tessa breaks and it’s clear she knows her way around a pool table better than I do .
“Here,” she says, stepping behind me as I set up a shot. “Isn’t this how you do it? When you’re trying to be smooth and come on to someone in the most cliched way possible?” She leans over me, her much smaller body only barely long enough to reach as she helps me adjust the angle of the cue stick. Sarah was so wrong about this woman. She’s not a bunny at all. She’s a tiger. Instead of running away from what just happened, she’s going to try and make fun of me for it. Well, two can play at that game .
“Something like that,” I say and then straighten. “Here, let me show you.” I place my hands on her shoulders and guide her to stand in front of me, then step in close, making sure as much of my body touches her as humanly possible. “See how close I am to you? And then I make sure my face is right next to your ear, like this. So you can feel my breath on your neck.” I wrap my body around hers, helping her line up the shot .
“I see,” she says, her voice low. “It’s a very effective technique .”
“Is it ?”
“Given your lack of clothing and the fact that you look and smell pretty damn amazing, yes. Effective is actually an understatement .”
I brush her hair off her shoulder, exposing more of her cheek and neck. “You know,” I whisper, my lips barely brushing her skin, “as much as I like this wig, I like your natural hair color even more.” It’s like spun gold, and I can’t stop wondering how it would feel sliding through my fingers .
She clears her throat and steps out of my grasp. “Well, now that I know how that works, I think it’s time for you to take your shot.” Her eyes are everywhere but on mine. I take the cue stick from her, ready to play it cool for a few minutes. I think we can both use the break .
“Tess!” The voice surprises me and I send my ball careening into the eight ball, landing it right in the corner pocket .
“Damn it, Sarah,” I say as my sister appears in front of us, looking two drinks over her limit .
“S’ok.” My sister blinks and smiles. “You’ll get her next time. Listen,” she slurs. “I’m going home with what’s his name.” She points over her shoulder at a guy in an Indiana Jones costume, his pot belly testing the limits of his khaki button down. “He’s the Korben Dallas to my Leeloo.” She giggles and then twiddles her fingers and then she’s gone .
“Whatever that means.” I turn back to Tessa confused .
“It’s from a movie. She’s Leeloo and Korben Dallas is…” She shakes her head. “Nevermind. It doesn’t really matter, does it? And damn it. She was my ride. I mean, I was driving, but we came in her car .”
“Oh, sweet, unsuspecting Tessa. If there’s one thing you need to know about my sister, it’s that you never ever trust her to be the one to get you home .”
Tessa sighs through her nose, her lips forming a thin line. “I guess I’ll have to call a cab .”
“I came in a cab,” I say. “I never trust myself to get me home, either. But hey! If you’re not driving, that means you can drink. Silver lining and all that .”
“I guess.” Tessa shrugs. “These things are definitely good enough to call a silver lining,” she says before taking a long pull of her Long Island .
“You know what we should do? Let’s sit at the bar and play Never Have I Ever .”
“A drinking game?” Tessa perches on the edge of the pool table. “Aren’t we way too old for that? And let’s just ignore the irony of me making that statement while dressed in a costume this elaborate .”
I shrug, tilting my head as I acknowledge her point. “That’s where you are wrong, my sweet bunny. Age is all in your head .”
“What is it with you and that nickname?” she asks as I lead her over to the bar. “I’d rather be…I don’t know. Anything but a helpless little bunny .”
“Then fine. Be a cat. Be a wolf. Be whatever you want to be. Hell! Be Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt…” I rattle off the rest of the long ass title, proud of myself for remembering it all. “She’s pretty tough,” I finish with a self-satisfied smirk .
Tessa raises her eyebrows. “Look at you, pulling direct quotes from the books and everything.” She takes my hands in hers and flips them over, staring into my palms. “Just looking for cheat sheets,” she explains when I look confused .
“Ha! For a woman who doesn’t like being judged and labeled, you sure do a fair share of it yourself. Just because I’m a former high school football star turned farmer doesn’t mean I don’t have stuff going on up here, too.” I tap my temple .