Me: Are you wearing a costume? Tell me you’re coming in costume .
Tessa: Of course I am .
Me: What’s it going to be ?
Tessa: You’ll laugh .
Me: I won’t. Promise .
Tessa: Cross your heart ?
Me: Crossed .
Tessa: Daenerys Targaryen
She’s got me there. I have no idea what in the world she’s talking about and I tell her as much in my next response. Less than a minute after I hit send, my phone buzzes with an incoming call .
“You’re kidding me, right?” Tessa says after I answer. “You don’t know who Daenerys Targaryen is ?”
I can’t help but laugh at the shock in her voice. “Not a clue .”
“Do you live under a rock ?”
“Me? Nope. I live on my family’s farm. Has Sarah told you nothing about our family ?”
“You’re really expecting me to believe you’ve never watched Game of Thrones .”
“From the sound of your voice, I’m going to guess you think this is a big deal .”
“Think it’s a big deal?” Tessa scoffs. “It is a big deal .”
“It’s a TV show, right ?”
“It was a series of books first .”
“Ah, see. There’s the problem. I’m not much of reader .”
“Yeah, I didn’t peg you as the type .”
I put a hand over my heart. “Ouch. Tessa. Do I hear condescension in your sweet voice ?”
“Maybe.” She giggles. “Anyway, it’s a pretty good show, even if you don’t read the books. But, of course, the books are better .”
“Why does everyone always say that ?”
“Uh, because it’s true?” She sounds so relaxed. It makes me happy. “Anyway, you should watch it once or twice. Most of America agrees with me. It’s worth the time. And look, hey, my lunch is almost over and I’m about to be invaded by a bunch of wound up second graders, so I have to go. I just had to call and give you a hard time about this .”
“I’m glad you did. You have a good day and maybe I’ll see you at Smitty’s on Friday .”
“I think I might like that .”
I laugh. “You don’t have to sound so surprised about it. And don’t forget my sweatshirt .”
We say our goodbyes and I end the call, only to immediately call Ty .
“Hey,” I say when he answers. “You got a sec ?”
“I have exactly four minutes before a new hire is supposed to walk through the door .”