C oltonand I decide to get married in Bliss. As often as I try to simplify the affair, my parents find ways to elaborate it. What started off as a small wedding on the beach now includes every branch of the Morgan and Carmichael family as well as the Reeds, the McGuires, and the Moores—Ellie’s very large and wonderful family. Poor Faye spends the first day watching the chaos with wide eyes, but it doesn’t take long for her to fit right in with this vivacious bunch .
One of Ellie’s brothers-in-law owns a strip of rental properties along the beach and he generously offers as many as we need to house our guests. We spend the days near the water. The kids build sandcastles and collect seashells. Couples hold hands and stroll the beach at sunset. It’s an explosion of sunscreen and boogieboards, wave jumping and beach towels. But more importantly, everywhere I look, I find people in love. My parents hold hands and gaze into each other’s eyes, watching the children with a look that probably scares Colton to death. Each evening, we congregate in one of the houses until the families with young children have to leave. The conversation is amazing and the people watching is even better .
One particular evening, we gather at Ellie and James’ house and listen as she explains how she fell in love with her husband. One by one, we each share our stories. From lost dogs, to fake relationships, from debilitating accidents and simple twists of fate, the beginnings are wildly different, but they all end the same. With two people fighting to find themselves and doing everything they can to live their best lives, who come together and realize there is no ceiling to happiness. That when you surround yourself with the right people, magic exists. It really does .
After listening to Lexi explain her instant connection to Ty, Faye turns to me with wide eyes. “Their stories are incredible. I mean, shit Tess. Your story is incredible. I didn’t believe these kinds of relationships existed. I thought everyone ended up hating their spouse. But look at that.” She points at Frank and Diane Moore, James’ parents. “They still look at each other the way you and Colton look at each other. Hell! Your parents still look at each other like they’ve just met .”
I find my parents across the room. Mom meets my gaze and lifts a hand before leaning her head on Dad’s shoulder. “They do look happy, don’t they ?”
“Very.” Faye sips her drink. “I’ve spent most of this week thinking I need to be pickier about my men. After seeing all of this—” she indicates the crowded living room “—I want what you guys have .”
“I want that for you, too. I want it for everyone.” I sigh happily. “The right guy is out there, and take it from me. When you meet him, you’ll know. Even if you can’t stand him at first, everything about your life will shift to make room for him .”
Faye smiles and scans the crowd as Ellie wanders over to join us. She indicates Colton and James, leaning against a wall and talking like old friends .
“Second sons.” She winks and then hugs me .
Frank and Diane Moore let us hold the rehearsal dinner at their home on the beach. Colton and I arrive late due to certain…physical …distractions. His eyes go wide as we pull into the driveway lined with paper lanterns .
“You didn’t tell me they were loaded .”
I shrug as I straighten out of the car, into the balmy evening. “Hey, Colton ?”
“Yeah, Blue Eyes ?”
“The Moores are loaded.” I drop him a wink and he rolls his eyes .
Large ferns dangle in planters spaced evenly around the wraparound porch of a stately home surrounded by palm trees and a highly manicured lawn. Flower arrangements decorate the paved path leading around back where large white tents flutter in the gentle breeze coming off the ocean. Candles flicker on tables decorated with soft teal tablecloths and glowing centerpieces .
I stop as the tents come into view and gasp. “It’s so pretty !”
Colton wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. “Before we get in there and lose each other to all the hubbub, I want you to know you look amazing tonight .”
I chose a white satin dress with a square neck and a plunging back. Strings of pearls drape across my spine. The fabric clings to my breasts, my waist, and my hips, but flares away from my thighs. “It’s not too much?” I smooth my hands down my stomach .
“Too much?” Colton lifts an eyebrow. “No, Blue Eyes. It’s perfect .”
I stare into his honey-colored eyes. The setting sun gleams behind him, shining in his dark hair. The sky erupts in streaks of gold, pink, orange, and purple. Strains of music and conversation filter through the waves crashing against the beach. Somewhere, a child laughs and I smile .
God, this man is everything .
“You look pretty amazing yourself. The whole white button-down shirt with the cuffs rolled up?” I trail my fingers along his forearms. “It’s sinful .”
Colton chuckles. “I don’t know about that …”
“You know what else is sinful?” I talk over his words, afraid I won’t find the courage to say what I want to say .
“What’s that ?”
I grab his hand and run it up my thigh, under the light fabric of my skirt. “I’m not wearing any underwear,” I say as his fingers graze my bare ass. I grip his swollen cock and squeeze lightly before stepping away and smoothing my skirt into place. I take a few steps along the path, my hips swaying deliberately, before I pause and look over my shoulder. “You coming?” I ask .
Colton runs his hands through his hair and eyes me hungrily. “Oh, I think we’ll both be coming,” he answers. “Over and over and over until you scream for mercy .”
“Is that a promise ?”
Colton closes the distance between us and wraps an arm around my waist. “It’s more than a promise,” he says as he nibbles at my ear. “It’s my goddamn life purpose .”