C hristmas morning arrivesand I wake to find the sweetest text from Tessa. I shoot her a response and my phone pings while I’m brushing my teeth. We chat for a bit and things feel more relaxed between us than they have of late. With my coffee in one hand and phone in the other, I trudge over to David’s house where I exchange gifts with my family and watch Claire and Thomas tear through their presents. Later that day, the Reeds and McGuires show up for yet another gift exchange. For some reason, I appear to have been nominated to receive all the joke gifts. I laugh when I open them, but I miss Tessa and not all the laughter in the world will fill the spot where she should be, but isn’t .
“When does Tessa come back?” Ty asks as I slide the Game of Thrones themed ugly sweater he got me over my head .
“Tomorrow or the day after.” I slip my brand-new Reed Security hat into place and fiddle with the girly Liam McGuire bracelets on my wrist .
Ty makes a face to let me know he feels sorry for me, but doesn’t say anything .
Liam looks up from the toy he’s helping put together for Claire. “It sucks that she’s not here .”
My niece looks appalled. “He said…” She covers her mouth and widens her eyes .
“Woops.” Liam grimaces. “It stinks that she’s not here. Sorry,” he says to children and parents alike .
I shrug. “Tessa will be here soon enough.” What I mean to say is she should never have left because I don’t like the way my life looks when she’s not around, but what’s the good of complaining when it won’t change anything? I made it this far. I can go a few more days .
A knock at the door interrupts us and everyone frowns in the direction of the sound. “I’ll get it,” I say as I stand, grateful for the distraction. I step over wrapping paper, boxes, and children playing with toys and make my way to the door. When I pull it open, my heart leaps into my throat .
Tessa’s standing there, burrowed into her ridiculously massive coat. She lifts a hand, looking sheepish. “I hope I’m not interrupting .”
“Interrupting? God no.” I pull her into the house and wrap her up in a hug, rocking her back and forth. “What are you doing here ?”
“I couldn’t stand being apart from you. So I left early, much to my mother’s chagrin .”
I widen my eyes, the weight of her decision not lost on me. “You left a family gathering to be with me ?”
“Yeah.” A slow smile tugs at her lips. “Is that a problem ?”
“Not at all. I’m just honored.” I run my hands up her back, cursing the barrier of her oversized coat. “I know what family means to you .”
“And now…you have an idea what you mean to me .”
I press a kiss into Tessa’s forehead and then step back because I need to kiss her properly .
“What in the world are you wearing?” she asks when I let her go .
“You mean this old thing?” I stare down at my sweater and shake my head. “Apparently the theme of this year’s Christmas is Make Fun of Colton .”
Tessa laughs and I drag her into the living room, present her to my friends, and then promptly announce we’re leaving. While everyone says their goodbyes, I grab my coat and throw it around my shoulders, locate the sweater and hat I was wearing when I arrived, and then head out of the house with Tessa under my arm .
My boots crush the ice-covered grass as we walk back to my trailer. The moment I step inside, I drop my stuff on the floor, shrug out of my coat, and pull Tessa into me. She sighs, her lips on mine, but then grows still and pulls away, her eyes locked on something behind me .
“Colton? Did you get a kitten ?”
I laugh. “Kind of. I got you a kitten. For Christmas .”
Tessa bends, scoops the little creature into her arms, and nuzzles her face into the ball of fur. “She’s so pretty!” She glances at me. “It’s a she, right? Or are you a he?” she asks the kitten .
“It’s a boy. My mom always said that male cats and female dogs make the best pets. I don’t know if she’s right or not, but I didn’t want to take a chance. Merry Christmas, Blue Eyes .”
The kitten mews and Tessa giggles. “You know I can’t have pets at my apartment, right ?”
Well, shit .
“I do now.” I shrug. “I guess he’ll have to stay here with me. All the more reason for you to visit at least once a day. Or night. I definitely vote for night.” I’m so damn happy to see her, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, and I know what I’m talking about there since I just got a full dose of that level of excitement .
“As if I needed a reason.” Tessa puts the kitten down. “I got you a present, too,” she says, her voice going low and sultry .