His words are molten. I close my eyes and stop worrying about right and wrong. It’s just the two of us, right here, right now and we feel so good, nothing else matters. Colton runs his hands over my ass, gives it a squeeze, and then lowers my skirt back over my hips .
“But, unfortunately, we’ll have to be patient,” he says, sounding disappointed .
I spin, my eyes wild, my chest heaving. Was I really ready to have sex with him in my classroom? If Rhonda Thompson would have walked by, she’d have fired me on the spot. And with good reason .
I smooth my skirt back into place. “I don’t even know who I am right now .”
“Oh, yeah? How so ?”
“Which one of us stopped what was happening? Was it me? No. It wasn’t me. I was ready to let you do whatever you wanted to me right here in the middle of a classroom .”
Colton’s eyes dance with humor. “I’m sure you would have stopped me eventually .”
“Don’t be so sure of yourself, there. Apparently, I have a thing for illicit behavior .”
“I’ll make sure to remember that for next time. By the way, I think you should know. You’re amazing,” he says, taking my hand and leading me back to my desk .
“Nope. I’m just an ordinary school teacher .”
“I don’t think ordinary school teachers have sex in the classroom while the kids are at lunch .”
A blush flares across my face. “God, I hope not .”
“See? There’s nothing ordinary about you .”
I laugh. “You’re the extraordinary one, bringing a little taste of adventure to my otherwise mundane life .”
“Speaking of adventure. I’ve been reading more of Game of Thrones .”
“Reading or watching ?”
“Reading, actually. I know,” he says when I widen my eyes. “I’m surprised, too. But it’s caught my attention and, I know everyone always says this, but the books have so much more detail and perspective than the show .”
“It’s a cliché for a reason. Movies can only show you so much. Books let you get right into the characters’ heads. What you see on the outside is just the smallest glimmer compared to what’s going on inside. Kind of like that little breakfast diner. It looks like it’s biggest claim to fame should be a string of health code violations, but that’s not what’s going on in there .”
Colton nods. “Exactly. I’m glad you see it that way.” He gives me a very satisfied grin, as if he were proud of my point and then indicates my lunch, sitting unopened on my desk. “You should eat .”
“I’d rather talk with you .”
“No one said you can’t do both.” He perches on the edge of my desk and I take my seat .
“I’ll split it with you.” I grab my sandwich and pull it apart .
Colton laughs. “Nope. You have a long, hard day wrangling a bunch of other people’s kids ahead of you. You need your strength, Blue Eyes.” He holds up his hands when I offer him half the sandwich. “I can stop on my way back to the farm if I need to .”
“Suit yourself,” I say, and take a bite, chewing thoughtfully. “You know, I’d love to see your farm someday. I have this image of it, all built up in my head. Rolling fields. Orchards. Chickens and goats and corn. There’s no way it’ll live up to what I’ve got up here.” I tap my temple .
“I don’t know. There’s a chance it might, especially if I take you to my favorite spot .”
“Where’s that ?”
“What? And ruin the surprise?” He shakes his head. “No way. You’ll just have to wait until you can see it yourself .”
“That’s not fair. Now I’m all curious and won’t be happy until I can compare reality to what’s going on in my imagination .”
Colton rubs his hands together. “Excellent. Then my plan is working exactly as I intended.” He smiles. “In all seriousness, though. I thought you might like to stop by for a visit sometime. The ‘Hawks have a home game this Friday. Maybe you can come by for a tour of the farm and then we can leave from there ?”
I pop a chip into my mouth and nod. “I would like that very much .”
Colton and I make plans for me to meet him at Carmichael Farms as soon as school lets out on Friday. He pulls me to my feet and kisses me goodbye before sauntering out of the room, leaving me to stare after him, wondering how I ever thought he was anything but wonderful .