Page 49 of This Is Why


After a weekof sharing my home with Lexi and Gabe, of waking up to them and coming home to them, of sharing my evenings with them and never finding much time to be alone, I’m surprised by how well things are going. I’ve gotten used to living by myself, and truth be told, I’ve never been all that good at sharing my space. Just ask any of my former roommates. This could have gone so badly, but I find myself craving Lexi while I’m at work, and outside of one bad night when Gabe was grumpy after a long day at the beach, he’s a pretty easy kid to be around. Now that the weekend has finally rolled around, I’m both thrilled to have some time off with them and sad to know that we’ve already burned through a week together.

I’ve got a busy Saturday planned for us. The Honolulu Zoo and Waikiki Aquarium are about half an hour from here. While I’d much rather take Lexi to one of the nature reserves on the island and do some hiking and exploring, I’m not sure how well Gabe would hold up. Today is kind of a test. The aquarium is small enough that we could get through it in about an hour and the zoo is a little bigger. I bet we could spend three or four hours there. If Gabe gets through both without getting tired and cranky, maybe we can try taking him to Manoa Falls Trail. It’s a tourist trap, but the hiking is easy and the scenery is worth it. If he survives that, then great. I know some amazing trails with stellar views to wow themwith.

But first, the aquarium and thezoo.

The car ride passes quickly, with all of us talking or singing along to the radio. “Do you ever get tired of looking at this place?” Lexi asks after a lull in conversation. “I’m staring out at these mountains and everything is green and the clouds hang so low. It’s just beautiful everywhere I look. Do you still see the beauty or are you used to itnow?”

I stare right at her, letting my eyes burn into hers. She chose a simple sundress that shows off her new tan. Her hair is down and her lips are red and I love the way she’s looking at me. “Oh, I see it,” I say. “And I can’t imagine ever getting used to it.” I’m not talking about the view right now, and judging by the blush flaring across her cheeks, she knowsit.

We finish the drive and Gabe handles the aquarium like a champ. I expect him to stare at the fish, give a few ooh’s and ahh’s, and then hurry on to the next exhibit. And while some fish don’t hold his attention very well, he stops and asks questions about others, listening intently as I read all the information posted around the tank. The Hawaiian monk seal holds his interest for a particularly long time. While Gabe is staring at the animal, I step up behind Lexi and wrap my arms aroundher.

“You look fucking delectable in that dress,” I whisper, making sure my lips brush the skin just below her ear because I know it drives her crazy.

“Why do you think I wore it?” sheasks.

I slide my hands up her arms and nibble on her ear lobe. This woman is everything. The right amount of beautiful mixed with the right kind of naughty, all wrapped up with a witty intelligence that keeps me on my toes. “I have a list of things I’d like to do to you,” I whisper, letting my breath brush past the skin on herneck.

“Good. I expect you’ll start working through this list tonight?”

“Feeling bossy, arewe?”

“Just greedy.” She spins in my arms and reaches up on tiptoes to place a chaste kiss on my lips just in time for Gabe to give us his full attention.

“Ewww.” He grins at us as he tries to look disgusted.

I step away from Lexi and hold her hand, pulling her in for kisses every time the boy turns his back. We finish the aquarium in just over an hour and Gabe loves every minute of it. So did I, although I don’t think I could name one single fish there. All I saw was Lexi. We head from the aquarium to the zoo and Gabe doesn’t seem even remotely tired. He flits from exhibit to exhibit while I entertain myself by toying with Lexi. How many times can I kiss her? How many naughty things can I whisper in herear?

While Gabe is entranced by the tiger exhibit, I lean in close and trail my fingers up the side of her thigh, stopping just below the hem of her skirt. Lexi turns to me, her eyes gleaming wickedly.

“I have to tell you something,” shesays.

I place my hands on the railing on either side of her, caging her between them, and then lean forward. “Tellme.”

She reaches up and puts her cheek to mine, so her lips are right against my ear. “I’m not wearing any underwear,” she whispers.

My dick jumps to life, giving its seal of approval. “What?” I ask, not quite sure I heard her right.

Lexi pulls back and holds my gaze. “You heard me.” The corners of her lips pull up in the tiniest of smiles.


“All day.” She licks her lips. “And you’ve been driving me so crazy. I’ve been wet for you since we left the seal exhibit at the aquarium.”

I blink back my surprise and shift, my pants growing woefully uncomfortable. “You’re mean,” Isay.

“Like you aren’t? You know as well as I do that every move you made today was designed to drive me out of mymind.”

“Okay. You got me. Guilty as charged.” I lean in even closer. “I want you so hot for me by the time we get home that you’ll come the minute I touchyou.”

“Isn’t that just the way it works withus?”

“Yeah, but I wantmore.”

“Then take it. I’m all yours, bigboy.”

She’s all mine. I love the sound of that. The words anchor themselves to my soul and I realize they’re true. I’ve laid claim to her. She belongs to me. “I hope you mean that,” I say, my gaze boring intohers.