The cat blinked at her and then tucked her head, nose to tail, on the big SEAL’s chest.
She let her stare slip from her pet to the man fast asleep on her couch. He was so long that he propped his feet on the arm and his shoulders swallowed the cushions.
Damn, he really was glorious in the buff. Her insides tingled at the memory of their one brief encounter. Though they both seemed to enjoy the sex, it seemed that they’d only have a one-night stand.
Sometimes she caught a stray glimmer in his eyes that made her wonder if he desired her. But then it would fade, replaced by the shards of steel always present in his eyes.
His chest was bare, the bronzed skin sporting a few patches of fluff from Angel making him into a bed. The sight made Livia’s lips curl in amusement.
The thin blanket she gave him to use was twisted around his long, muscular legs, dipping low enough to reveal that he’d slept in his jeans.
When she looked at Angel again, she narrowed her eyes at the cat. She seemed to be having all the fun, sprawled out on the man who was supposedly guarding Livia from harm.
Not that she believed she was ever in peril. What happened with Ivy behind her bar was tangled up with the happenings on the Gracey Ranch. Livia had no doubt that they were digging deep into who was behind the attacks on the family…but she’d heard a few rumors too, all of which she’d shared with Colton when he grilled her.
She managed to tear her gaze away from Carver and focused on the clock on the range. If she was going to get her errands in, she had to stop gawking at Angel—okay, and Carver too—and get a move on.
Her socked feet didn’t make any sound as she crossed to the entryway and put on her boots. With her purse and car keys in hand, she reached for the door handle.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
She leaped and spun in the same motion. Carver was standing so close that her nose brushed his bare, muscled chest. The springy hair tickled her nose, and his musk teased her senses.
Rocking backward, she stumbled over his big boot on the floor. He closed his hands on her upper arms, holding her upright.
“What the hell are you doing awake? You were asleep a minute ago!”
He cocked a brow.
Her mouth formed an O.
He wasn’t asleep. He knew she was standing over him. He probably felt her stare linger on his body for far too long.
She drew up to her full height. “Well? What do you have to say?”
“I asked you a question first. Where are you going, Livia?”
“I’m off to run errands.”
“Not without me.” He firmed his jaw, which made him look even meaner. She would not want to meet this guy in a dark alley.
She darted a look at the door, then back to Carver.
He folded his arms. The move drew attention to a stray tuft of cat hair clinging to the springy hair on his chest.
“Don’t try to leave, Livia. I will track you down and haul you back here to safety so fast, you won’t know what hit you.”
Oh god. That was kind of hot.
So hot that maybe she wanted to try it.
She eyed him for a long heartbeat before regaining her wits.
“I really don’t have time for this. I’m supposed to be at the bar.”
His sandy brows lowered into a line. “I thought you said it’s closed Mondays.”
“It is, but a special delivery of liquor is arriving today to replace what was smashed in the break-in the other day.”