“What aren’t you telling me?” He imagined a ticked-off ex-boyfriend bullying Livia and his fists clamped at his sides.
She chewed at her plump lip. “My sister’s ex could be responsible.”
His brow hitched up. “What?“
She edged backward, away from Carver. “He’s broken in before.”
“What!” His rage echoed through the bar. Livia had been putting up with jerks terrorizing her? He took another step toward her.
Wincing, she backed up. Her foot collided with the broken shards of a bottle, sending it rolling.
“How many times?”
She dragged her tongue across her bottom lip. “A few.”
“Did you turn him in to the cops?”
“The first time. Look, I didn’t know he was back in town. I heard he left after…”
He battled for patience. He would need it with this woman. “After?”
“My sister had a few guy friends who…persuaded him…to leave Eden.”
He gave a slow nod. Understanding. “I see.”
“What do you see?” Her voice came out as a rasp.
“That you’ve been dealing with all this on your own for far too long.”
She opened her mouth, then closed it again.
When he stepped away from her, his chest gave a hollow lurch. “I’m calling Colton.”
“About time.”
He fixed her in his stare. “I’m not leaving your side, Livia. Get that through your head.” He pulled out his phone and located Colton’s contact.
As soon as his friend picked up, Carver spoke. “I have a problem.”
“What sort of problem?”
“Someone broke into Badlands.”
He was aware of Livia moving behind the bar. She dragged over a trash can and began picking up the broken bottles and tossing them in.
He kept his stare riveted to her stiff back and the tumble of red hair.
“They broke a lot of shit, and the worst part is they were smart enough to know how to keep from getting caught.”
“How so?” Colton’s voice took on a sharp edge.
“Spray paint over the cameras.”
“I need new cameras. And locks. The sturdier, the better. How soon can you get them to me?”