Page 77 of Heir of the Beast

I have no idea what Apollo’s intentions are. I thought I did, but now I am second-guessing myself. I feel like he is baiting me or trying to trap me.

Here I thought he wanted a quick lay, but now I am not sure.

“You’re wondering what I’m thinking?” He smiles and leans back against the wall casually.

I bite my lip, trying to ignore how hot he is. “I would say that I am curious.”

He holds up his finger. “One. I want you naked.” He holds up two fingers. “Two. I want you to tell me who the hell you are.”

I stare at him.

“It does not matter in what order.” He grins again.

“I am a princess now, you cannot threaten me like before,” I hiss, and narrow my eyes.

“I can if you want to be my wife.”

That takes me off guard. I think my mouth is hanging open. “Excuse me?”

He looks like he is having a great time. “I want to know what I’m marrying. I think that is understandable.”

“You don’t know if I even want to marry you!” I think my face is red. “You are even more arrogant than I thought!”

~I do want to marry you, but that’s not the point!~

He laughs. “You’re glorious when you’re mad.”

I take a deep breath, a calming breath. “I am not mad. I am just shocked by how sure of yourself you are.”

He raises a brow. “I am very,” he pauses as if thinking for the right word, “observant. You want me, Angel.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, you are quite handsome—”

“Thank you,” he says, smiling.

“I was not finished,” I say. “I know you’re handsome, but that does not mean I want to marry an overconfident ass.”


I clamp my mouth shut.

He looks hurt, in a mocking way. “Well then. What is it that you want in a husband? Please enlighten me.”

“Smart, funny, compassionate.” I pause with a grin. “Humble.”

“You think I’m not humble?”

I pause. “I am actually not sure, but around me, no.”

He walks up to me and lifts my chin. His dark gaze glitters in the dim lighting. “That’s because I’m not.”

I frown.

“Or maybe I just like to see you lose control,” he says with a wink.

“You taunt me then?”

He makes a guilty face. “I will neither confirm nor deny.”