I touch my lips. It’s best this way.
Chapter 27
Laura rubs her forehead and curses. “I do not trust Siron, or anyone in this world for that matter. How do we know we will be able to talk to this supposed healer in time to save Apollo?”
I sniff and do not say anything. We both lounge on my bed like queens, having been locked in our rooms since the raid.
From what his men say we should be making landfall tomorrow, then he will take the healer captive. Siron still has hope that he will cure whatever the black magic is that’s killing him.
Pierce already confirmed that Apollo would be healed. All we must do is get him alone and buy his healing skills, or something like that.
I have not been in the right state of mind since Siron entered my life—forced himself into my life.
I only have three more weeks left. That’s not long.
I can’t wait to leave this place and see Apollo again—alive. I just need to see him again and fast. My heart hurts for him. This mess is all my fault and I must stay clear of mind and fix it.
I need to get away from Siron’s energy, for he is sucking the life out of me. We don’t have to worry about an escape because Siron said he’d release me—us. “He will release us.”
I can feel her eyes on me. “You actually believe that crap? He is rumored to be an extremely evil man.” She sits up a bit. “Have you seen him without his mask on? Is he scary? Super ugly? Deformed?”
“No, he never takes it off, but I doubt he’s deformed.”
“Shame he does not then,” she murmurs, and falls back.
Laura giggles and looks at me. “Evil aside, that man is damn sexy.” She waves her hand and licks her lips. “They don’t make men like that back home.”
I try not to smile. They don’t make men like ~Apollo~ back home. “I have not noticed.” I hear Mort snort in the corner, and I ignore her. Mort knows nothing.
“Yeah right. You have been in his presence for a while now. He’s like Jason Momoa: sexy, but better. He’s not an actor, but the real thing, ya know?
“You see though, I always fall for the bad boy. It’s my problem in real life. I just need a good boy. I need dating help.”
“Yeah,” I say, bored with this topic.
She looks over to Leenie who is pretending to sleep, but one eye keeps opening. “Leenie, can I have a one-night stand with sexy Siron? Not against the rules, right?”
“Might as well.” Leenie shrugs.
Mort laughs.
Laura’s face brightens and she glances at me. “And you are sure this guy is not what he seems? I don’t want to have to use a lifeline again if he starts to beat me or something.”
I am not angry.
I feel fine.
“Yes, but he can’t talk.” Or at least I don’t think he can. He did whisper in my ear, but I think that was because I angered him so bad. The man hates me, that is a ~fact~ now.
Laura should go for it. I bet he’d be pretty good in bed. Not amazing, but good enough to make it worth it.
“He can’t talk, huh? Why is that even sexier? I bet he has killer expressions then—like, panty-dropping expressions. Maybe I can get him to take off his mask.”
“I don’t think that is a good idea,” I say, facing her.