Page 65 of Heir of the Beast

Laura knows I know. That will give me a bit of leverage. Blackmail, if you will.

It feels so good to be on top for once. I glance around my beautiful room as I take in a large breath, and I can’t believe it. The room is stunning. A chamber fit for a princess, not a slave.

The large four-poster bed is rose-colored, with cream satin. Flowers are everywhere, making the room smell heavenly.

A large window with a deck is to my left and a vanity that might be made from pure silver is to my right. I was bathed in lavender scented water and had my hair combed by four servants.

I am receiving the royal treatment. I was able to bring Mort along with me as my personal maid—my ~father~ didn’t let me forget that I shall have anything I want.


I turn around at Mort’s musical voice and grin. “I guess I will get used to that name eventually.”

“I thought we were done for back there in the woods, but Apollo is proving that where you’re concerned, nothing matters.

“You should have seen the outrage on Irena’s face when they were doing the blood test,” she says, and glances around the beautiful room.

I sit on the edge of the bed, the rose silk glimmering in the sunlight. “I bet, which means she might try to get rid of me once and for all.”

Mort plops down beside me and sighs. “This is comfy.”

I lay back. “I know. Heaven.”

“No bumpy mattress.”

“Or bed bugs.”

Mort grunts. “Or freezing mornings trying to pee in that bucket that kept tipping over.”

We both lay in silence, thoughts running through our heads.

“Did Apollo cancel his engagement?”

Mort looks over at me. “The banners are still up, so I don’t think so.”

“That’s confusing.”

“I bet he takes them down—like, everyone knows he’s obsessed with you. Never has a crown prince sent out a royal search party for a mere servant. And you stabbed him and did not hang for it.”

She continues, “But you’re a princess now, so I don’t see a problem with him switching his choice. He would be just switching sisters.”

“So he is not obligated to stay true to his word?”

“You know,” Mort sits up, “I am not sure, actually.” She starts typing and blinking with a frown. “I should probably find out.”

I sit up too.

“Oh,” she says, scowling. “Pierce says nice job, by the way, but he is telling me that an engagement like this is very serious.

“To break it would mean dishonor to Laura and her family, even though you are of the ~same~ family.” She looks at me and expels a breath.

“Shit. That might complicate things yet again.”

One step forward and two steps back.

“Unless you can prove that Laura is not of royal blood,” Mort says. “Then that would be bound to break the engagement.”

I stand up and look out the balcony door, walking out into the warm sunlight. “Well, that means we still need her DNA.”