Page 26 of Broken

Rowan moves to my side as we meet Vince’s surprised gaze. He shoots out of his chair, abandoning his coffee on the desk. “I wasn’t expecting you! The chief mentioned that you debriefed him and that the case was closed. That the witch is dead. This is fantastic news.” The man is rambling, his hands clasped together. I would have never pegged him as an individual with magic. Most humans with magic abilities are very outgoing, wielding it with a confidence that belies where they stand on the food chain.

Vince is a sorry sight to behold and as he’s slowly being cornered, he backs down rather than stands by his magic. He’s still playing the part of the human detective and I hate that we trusted him.

“Yes, the case is closed,” Rowan says as he folds his arms across his chest. “And it is a great feeling.”

Vince manages a nervous laugh as he taps his desk. I fight a smile, knowing that Lev is just outside the door, the Chameleon’s excitement building. We all agreed that we’d play into the fact that Lev shouldn’t have survived to get the best reaction out of Vince.

The chief is already aware of this plan and somehow we were able to convince everyone involved with this case to leave the details to us. After all, Vince was point and we worked for him. After today, though, I’m handing in my badge. I refuse to work for this precinct any longer and while I’m sure not every cop here is dirty like Vince, my heart won’t trust their intentions.

The worst part of all of this is that Lev wouldn’t let us shred the man. I pleaded several times but Lev was firm on that one thing. The witch was fine but Lev wanted Vince to experience discomfort for the rest of his life. The officer would be sentenced to jail for a myriad of crimes but hurting Omegas is one of the worst. People spending their life in jail will have a field day with Vince.

It’s the only reason I gave in, knowing that letting Vince live is actually a more sadistic choice than killing him. He doesn’t deserve that kind of mercy. Lev even mentioned that he had the absolute perfect person to call in for the arrest.

Vince clears his throat, trying to remain calm. He must know that we have more information than we’re sharing and that we know what his part in all of this was. “It’s wonderful that she’s dead. It’s too bad that we weren’t able to save the Omega and Lev. I had my hopes up.”

“Uh-huh.” Rowan is having a much harder time playing this façade. “What happened after the meeting at the café? He disappeared after being with you.”

Vince tries to mask the hurt in his expression and fails miserably. “It was just to close up a few things. I left; he stayed. How he ended up in the clutches of that witch, I don’t know but I’ll be forever sorry that I didn’t stay-” Lev chooses that moment to step into the office, Vince stumbling back against the wall and wildly pointing at our mate. “You’re alive?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? Right, of course. After you led me to my death, hoping that it would pay off your debt to a witch, I should be dead just like all those Omegas. You know that she told me asking a fairy to donate a little magic would have garnered the same results? That you didn’t need to kill anyone?”

“I told you before that I didn’t kill anyone, Lev. What she did was on her.” Vince steps backward and I’m confused as to why he isn’t leaning into his magic. At this point, he knows that we know the truth. Granted, his magic will be no match for us. Blurring his face is one hell of a trick but tricks like that will do him no good here. He’s no longer in charge and a few officers are waiting outside the door should Vince think he has an easy escape.

I’m not taking any chances for surprise attacks, however, as I close the distance between us and read him his rights. His gaze darkens, Vince pulling away from me but Rowan steps up to his other side, the sound of handcuffs closing making me smile.

“You’re under arrest, Vince Harmon for the death of several Omegas, kidnapping, conspiring with a witch for personal gain, abusing a Chameleon. I could go on but do I need to? In all of this, what was the point?” There’s no escape for Vince now unless he tries to physically push past us and run out the door. The pure metals coating the cuffs renders his magic useless which makes Vince no more than a human in this moment.

Vince frowns, struggling against the restraints but finds no give, especially when Rowan places his hands on the man’s shoulders. “You have no right and no proof. Not one shred of evidence-”

Lev chuckles as he steps closer. “You would be right for the most part, Vince. Until I let everyone know what I am. They’ll understand what I can do and I can explain how I pieced together the clues. It helps that I record my phone calls and still have all my texts.”

“You wouldn’t.”

This feels like the speech a villain gives before his demise, Vince about to unload on the three of us his woes and his reasons. I don’t really care what they are. He hurt people. He led them to their death and then he wasn’t even successful. He’s a pitiful excuse for a human and even more pitiful of an excuse for one that has magic. He even went so far as to trade in his weak friendship with Lev to save his own ass.

Lev snorts as he turns to the side, allowing the chief of police to step inside. “See, I would. I would do anything to put you behind bars. We’re not friends but we were close enough. I trusted you for the most part and you broke that. You sat here everyday like I wasn’t supposed to fucking know what you were doing as you pleaded with me to leave the case alone. I know what you're thinking. I don't like the limelight so I couldn't possibly want to let anyone know who I am or what I am. You're wrong. I have Basilisks as mates. No one will touch me.”

No one will touch me. I lean back against the wall, giggling like a fucking schoolgirl in my head at those words. He just called us mates. Lev's moment is over, though. We were given a strict timeline and even though the entire building was on alert, I wanted Lev to have his chance. A petite young Fae peeks in, her eyes wide. I recognize her from a few cases; her name is Avery if my memory serves right. Lev grins at her and waves her in before pointing to Vince.

“That little girl is not taking me in.”

The chief barks out a laugh. “Actually, she is. She’ll book you in the county jail for tonight as we get everything sorted and you can figure out an explanation for your role in this. Or call a lawyer. Or both. I’m not sure any of it will help undo the damage you’ve caused. You were a good detective but I’m not even sure I can stand by that statement.” He chuckles, shaking his head as Avery tiptoes up to Vince to guide him away. The chief nods to Rowan and I. “All of his cases are going to have to be reopened. You in?”

I immediately unearth my badge and leave it on the table. “No can do.” Rowan follows suit, the chief not surprised in the least. I’ve handed in my badge a few times over the years, pissed at how investigations turned out or people I’ve had to endure as a partner other than Rowan.

“Fair enough. I’ll see you both in a few weeks when the boredom sets in. Lev, I’ll be in touch for a thorough debriefing. The faster Vince is out of our lives, the better. And then I need to dissect my entire department to make sure this shit doesn’t happen again.”

They leave, Lev standing awkwardly on the other side of the table. He chews on his bottom lip before glancing over at us. “Home?”

I can’t stop the happiness that spreads across my face as I approach him. “Home sounds fantastic, Leviathan.” He shivers as I lean down to nuzzle against his cheek. A few days ago, I would have never expected a mate like Lev but he’s the perfect addition to our little family.

Chapter 22


One Month Later