Options, options.

My instinct was to keep this to myself. I had the choice to do the opposite though. King Take won either way, which would keep him in good favor. If I kept this information a secret, then no doubt I’d move forward in a manner that would confuse others. If I revealed the contents of the letter, then others would move forward in a different manner for me.

Take’s gift was rare indeed because I had the choice between complete control or gathering more information again.

The nature of Take’s information should be considered.

What he’d told me wasn’t useful. He intended to generate emotions that aligned with his agenda to come between me and See. If he’d offered useful information, then I might have opted for control, especially as I couldn’t remember ever having much control in life. As it was, this tidbit felt like a secret that could harm a relationship capable of long-lasting greatness.

The princes had come to a shouting standoff as I reasoned with myself. Goodness, I’d missed that altogether. Take’s princes had their glinting spears out.

“I will read it to you,” I announced, cutting off Unguis’s lisping shout.

Their aggressive postures relaxed a smidgen, though glares continued to be thrown. Gangrel slid his spear back into its holder on his back, and Take’s two other princes followed suit.

I read aloud.


I lament the ending of our last meeting.

I had hoped to dance a waltz with you,

though my princess bride is glad I did not.

Still, you sneak into my thoughts at dawn,

and so here is a thought snuck to you,

some company for your dawn, I hope.

As I take pleasure from many fleshes, so too does my princess.

She takes hers, regularly, from King See.

Ever Thirst for Thirst Itself,

Your King Take

I folded the letter and tucked the parchment into the neckline of my powder-blue puffed gown.

Then I watched each set of princes in turn.

I’d decided to relinquish control to gather intelligence of my own. So how would each respond? How would each king respond? Take’s princes were understandably eager to witness the fallout. Change’s princes, too, held an eagerness, perhaps sensing ruin ahead.

Bring’s princes appeared happy and unhappy at the same time, both smiling and frowning. I supposed they were happy for the liege, and also unhappy this information might open me further to his offer of concubine. What turmoil they looked to be in.

Has Been, Will Be, and Is were another story. They seemed very, completely unhappy.

“What have you to say on this topic?” I asked them.

Is swallowed. “Lady Patch…”

Has Been’s face smoothed.

Will Be blew out a breath. “’Tis true, lady. Yes, this information is true. King See is a man like any other, and an immortal, ancient one at that. Humans are not an option, and there exist few female monsters. Take’s princess is the only woman who can withstand our liege’s touch. In general, there exists a deal between the kings that princesses might go where they please.”

The ancient in me understood what he didn’t say—that immortality was lonely, and the immortal man and woman lusted as surely as a mortal but had few options for satisfaction. The rest of me… felt many confusing things, especially at the mention of our liege’s touch.