Hex grimaced. “What if she does that jerky run again, Sig?”
The three were nonplussed and hopefully deterred. I didn’t relish more nights spent in that fashion.
Is shot me a look, and I was careful not to meet his gaze. “You escaped Bring’s princes?” He grinned. “That’s our lady.”
“She’s not yours,” Toil seethed, slapping his lowest blob on the cobblestones. The sound was rage to the fullest degree.
“I am no one’s lady,” I declared.
All six turned their widened eyes to me, and that was saying something because half of them didn’t possess eyelids. I shivered at the sight and was blasted by the sudden, stomach-swooping sense I’d hurt their feelings to an enormous degree. How horrific.
“I misspoke. My apologies. I am lady to you all, if you would have it so.”
That soothed and irritated them in turn. They did not like to share?
My mind very much wanted to question why six princes fought over my favor, but my mind wanted to understand a great deal of things too big and mighty, so banishing this train of thought was nothing new.
Has Been strode to the wall of bars and leaned against it. He crossed his arms, and his large hands flopped over his elbows like a cat’s paws. “That’s settled then. We won’t budge from here until dawn.”
Prince Sigil leaned against the wall of bars beside him. “And neither shall we. The instant you blink, Princes of Nothing, you will find her gone.”
Goodness, I better not blink either.
An abrasive caw sounded from above, and I almost flinched as a raven relaxed its claws to release what it held. I snatched the fluttering thing out of the air.
“It’s Take’s personal raven.” Will Be sighed. “Our liege will be most unhappy with our dawn report.”
Toil threw him a knowing look. The princes agreed on one matter.
I hesitated, the focus of six princes, then realized privacy to read a letter would not be granted this night.
I pried the blood-red seal, admiring the fangs set over the letter T.
To the Scented Lady,
I thank you for the cloth bearing your seductive scent.
Red fabric, no less. My favorite color, did you know?
By any means, I find myself curiously glad to have read your thoughtfully prosed letter, and now I have only to wonder if words could ever suffice when actions might do better.
If you wish to receive back my one-fifth snuffing share, then all I shall require is your attendance at my dreadful ball tomorrow at dusk, planned in your honor.
I wager your attendance will be most amusing indeed.
With this boon granted, you can consider my snuffing share of Hotel Vitale yours forever and ever.
Ever Thirst for Thirst Itself,
King Take
“What does it say?” Is grumbled. “I must know how enraged my liege will be.”
I lowered the letter. “King Take has been kind enough to throw me a dreadful ball that he’d like me to attend in return for his snuffing share of Hotel Vitale. That doesn’t seem too monstrous. I suppose I shall attend.”
All six princes groaned.
Is blew out a breath. “Very enraged indeed then.”