“That’s no small question, lady,” he said after a time. “Five soldiers rode across the plains. At a cave they arrived.”
“Yes, I’ve heard that part. The soldiers touched the stone and slumbered for one thousand years while ancients molded them to kings. When they awoke at The End, everything and everyone they knew was gone.”
“Not everyone,” the king said. “They had each other. For a while, they had each other.”
I heard his sorrow.
King Bring recited,
“Five powers to grasp the world’s fraying seams,
And if golden fate deems fit, to mend.
Bring. Take. Raise. Change. See.
Three princes, each, shall come to thee.
Monsters to guide kings to thrones,
To keep real monsters chained with blood and bone.
Your immortal burden cold and lonely,
Hear! Rule until the bloody finish.
For the mighty never stirred at dawn,
They burst forth at dusk,
Into toothed beast’s yawn.”
I’d never heard the entirety of the chant. “So ancients built five kings to save the world, if fates deemed the world to be saved. The ancients made three princes to help each of you.”
“To trap us,” he said pleasantly. “The princes return us to our purpose should we err and drift. Their methods are painful.”
I couldn’t imagine any prince daring to hurt a king. That information changed my perspective on matters because I’d wondered why some kings didn’t abandon their purposes if they no longer cared one way or another about the world’s fate.
Hear! Rule until the bloody finish.
“A king cannot do other than his purpose, even if he wishes it,” I murmured.
My brows furrowed. “What of the part that says the mighty never stirred at dawn? What does that mean?”
Bring hummed. “That answer depends on whom you ask. I choose to interpret that I am strong enough, both in mind and body, to carry out my purpose and save the world.”
Ah yes, I saw how to translate that part now. “King Change interprets the same, though he believes himself strong enough to ruin the world.”
“You are newly a monster, Lady Patch, but do not mention that king in my presence again.”
The house grew shadows and shook.
“I apologize for overstepping,” I said.
Warm and welcome returned to the kitchen. “Thank you for the apology. You were not to know.”
“Might I mention the other kings?” He’d had no issue speaking of King See.