“That wouldn’t be your concern.”
“No, apparently not if I agree to become princess, and so I must take care to consider it while free. I’ve seen that princesses are largely at the mercy of their kings. I have seen one spurned and withered in self-esteem. I have seen some lavished upon in limited ways. I’m told that they are happy to be traded too. All in all, though, I have met many princes and all kings, I’ve seen very little of princesses. Is their role in the world’s fate so small?”
“That is how ancients made it, mistress. We did not know this at first. We did not realize that once a female monster was claimed that she could not be unclaimed, and that marriage exchanged her purpose for that of her king’s. Most of us would not have demanded this if given the choice. A princess is still a companion for our immortality, though, and such a monster can add warmth to our cold existence. I have seen this occur between other kings and their princesses, though fleetingly, and what we would share would not be fleeting, I assure you. I would treasure you always, Perantiqua, and your servitude to my plight would be but a small detail.”
“Eternal servitude,” I murmured to myself.
“What did you say?”
I blinked. “I’m reminded of a concept of King Raise’s.”
“You think I seek to lure you into a one-sided contract. It is not so.”
Sounded so.
He leaned forward on his throne. “You retain choice in all else, mistress. You are revered.”
I’d only have his word for it. Princess Bring wasn’t revered. Princess Take’s flesh was, but not the rest of her. I couldn’t speak for the others, but I’d seen enough to feel caution.
“I fail to see where this conversation leads,” See said.
“This matter is more complicated than I’d hoped, sir. I feel something in your company that I don’t feel with any other.”
“Tell me what you feel.”
“I feel safe,” I answered. “My body feels tight. I feel the urge to drive you mad with longing. I feel the urge to lessen your hurts. I wish to lay claim to you too.”
“You speak of the fact we are meant for each other.”
“I feel this as you do, and yet I’ve discovered that fate must be a consideration as you discovered also.”
“What have you considered about fate then, mistress? This train of discussion carries the stench of second rejection.”
I glanced at my lap. “To be sure of you isn’t enough. I must be sure of who you will be and of your purpose. Those are my chief concerns. If I am married to your purpose, then how can I agree to become your princess when you have not decided which direction to walk in?”
“You would have me make a choice in haste?”
I shook my head. “Never, sir. For I must trust you are dedicated to that direction.”
“What you ask could take centuries, maiden. I could not bear it. I must have you without further delay. I must surround myself in you. How can you bear the thought of being apart?”
A weight crushed on my chest. “I’m not sure, King See.”
“Call me See if you will.”
Midnight stole across my cheeks. “See.”
My dress felt too tight. I shifted on the seat.
“You are mine. I affect you greatly,” he said. “I wish to place my name on you so others can see how it is between us. You ask for the direction of my purpose, yet how can I think of that when you exist?”
“I wait for the day you figure it out, sir, and I long for it. But there’s one other thing I would know, if I may?”
“My heart is heavy, Perantiqua, but I would still have your company through it. Speak then.”
I set down my goblet. “You speak of companionship and passion by which I assume you mean we’ll share delightful conversations and great arousals. These things excite me, but I wonder that you’ve said nothing of your heart nor mine.”