I inhaled. “You got it, handsome.”
Wild didn’t need to be distracted during what was ahead. I’d keep my shit together for him and us.
He walked to the stage. Attention snagged on him and was dragged to the stage by my magus. The coven quietened of their own accord, and by the time Wild faced them, I could feel the expectation in the air.
They knew what was coming.
I felt relief to be sitting here, in all honesty, though I was sure magus would check my reaction throughout Wild’s speech.
He spoke, “I’ve become aware of a series of rumors circulating the coven. Dangerous rumors of potentially vicious origin. I will address them now, so they don’t inflict damage on this coven, myself, or on our high esteemed, who has worked tirelessly to ensure our survival, only to receive this treatment in thanks.”
More than a few heads dropped at that. Mostly on the part of past-Vero members. I hadn’t considered the rumors in that light—that I’d been working so hard for them only to have this happen. I’d seen it more in the light that my secrets were bound to get out.
Wild let his admonishing words sink in. “With that said, I can see that some of you have connected information in the only way that makes sense to you. You all witnessed my behavior in the presence of the Vissimo prince and Luther pack leader?—”
A loud whining erupted in the caves, and I—along with every battle affinity—was on my feet in an instant.
“The alarms at the gates,” I blurted, then boomed over the panicked cries, “Delta, Sage, Wild, to me.”
The magus were at my side in seconds and followed me as I strode to the exit. “What’s the response plan?”
Wild replied, “We have teams of all four affinities formed from the strongest of us. They are to gather at the demon gates when the alarms sound.”
“Give the order,” I told him. He peeled away. “Delta, gather the remaining battles for extra support at the gates. Sage, do you have strategies ready for us?”
“The sentries have been training with some already,” she answered, and her eyes were wide. “Any others are still being developed.”
“Thank you. Please find Varden and instruct him to move the vulnerable to our safe zone. Then gather any magus who remain to stand ready to fight at the exit to our cave. I’ll meet you there.”
I broke into a run, diving into the portal I’d opened. I only paused to release my magic down my arms, ready for use, before kicking open the door to my quarters.
The demon gate was wide open. I listened intently for any sound from the demon realm, any footsteps. Nothing yet. They may have chosen to come through another, though. They could be standing in the darkness, too, waiting for me to depart.
I wove a four-affinity barrier over the demon gate and set an extra alarm that only I would feel.
I portaled to the cave exit in the middle of gathering sentries and extra battle magus disappearing into portals of their own. I sent a pulse to Wild as he made to step into a portal with Huxley, Corentin, and Sven.
He paused, and I jogged over. “The demon gate in our room is open,” I said quickly. “Nothing through it yet. Spread the word that there could be demons waiting to ambush at other gates.”
Wild jerked his head, gripping one of his pendants and muttering into it. He fixed me with a burning look after. “Be careful, my love.”
Sentries were gone to their respective gates, and novices and weaker provens were exiting the caves to set up a defensive ring in varying states of fear.
Sage hurried over. “Varden has the others in the safe zone.”
“Thank you, Sage. One of the demon gates is open. I’ve placed a barrier over it. Sentries and battle magus have gone to guard it. I’m going to check the other gates now.”
She held up a pendant around her neck. “Wild just gave us an update.”
“Good. He’ll let you know if anything is amiss.”
Why didn’t I have a sentry pendant? That’s what I wanted to know.
Keeping my magic at the ready, I portaled to the next closest demon door. The magus there shied back in alarm at my sudden appearance, but most were warily regarding the open demon gate. One that they could all see. In the past, even when the gate was open, my friends weren’t able to see it—only the demons once they were in our realm.
“No activity?” I asked.