The trio nodded.
“Varden,” I said. “Now the game is over, I am able to swap rooms with you. I’m moving in tonight.”
“I’ve told you that an old man doesn’t have as much to lose.”
I didn’t smile. “That is an order as your high esteemed.”
His lips curved. “Then, of course, I will vacate the quarters.”
Wild didn’t like my decision, but I was the best defense against the demons. The gate had to be well guarded.
“I’m also placing you in charge of rolling out strategies for establishing the new norm in this coven,” I told him. Then said to the others, “And that is where we turn our minds to next. Our magus identify as Vero or Fertim, not as members of the Buried Knolls coven. They have been split for three hundred years.”
I paused to allow my words to sink in because that was a long, long time. “How do we change that?”
“I like it,” Corey said. “Mmm, feels right.”
I, along with the guys and Rooke, listened to him without comment. The expressions ranged from bemused to amused. Varden had filled Corentin in on his new task as the leader of morning, afternoon, and evening centering circles.
This task vibrated at the same frequency as Positive Patrick.
“Good, good,” I said after clearing my throat. “Because we’ll need to be unified with the threats on our doorstep. That starts with us being one with ourselves.”
Corey lobbed me a grin. “Don’t consider the threats, Tempest. Be without that. Let your worries flow in and out.”
He was broken. I tried to look under the table to see what material his pants were today.
“Linen,” Wild muttered under his breath. “Already checked.”
Sven growled, no longer paying attention to the conversation.
Corey frowned at him. “That sound is off-putting.”
“So is your goofy fucking smile, Patrick,” came his reply.
“Patrick?” Corey repeated, glancing at the rest of us.
I answered, “It’s what we call the new you behind your back.”
He nodded. “Right. Cool. I dig it.”
Wild shook his head, then focused on Sven. “What is it?”
“You haven’t noticed?” Sven said darkly, jerking his head to something behind me.
I pivoted on the bench, then turned back, smirking. “I did see that.”
Frond had set up a table that included Josie, a few of the magus he was chummy with, and some of those I remembered from the accession as being wary of my new position. Bedwyr’s presence there was a surprise, but then again, if he and Josie were an item again, then he may’ve been dragged.
I wrinkled my nose. “Don’t you guys think it’s hypocritical that my relationship with Wild got so much attention for being off and on, but that Josie and Bedwyr are constantly off and on and no one says a thing?”
Huxley sipped at his tea. “No one cares about them; that’s why.”
Huxley. Master of the brutal truth.
“They’re serious,” Sven said to me.