Barrow shifted on his seat. “High Esteemed, shouldn’t we send you with more protection?”

Wild stiffened. Yikes, Barrow was stepping on his protector toes.

“Why do you say that?” I asked the advisor.

“You and Wild are the first mated magus. You must be cared for.”

Cared for. I struggled not to shudder. “Let’s be clear, Barrow. Nothing will change now you’re all aware of the mating ritual. I wouldn’t have taken extra magus last week, and I won’t today. I’m certain that the Vissimo king could kill me and anyone else I took if he so chose, and I’m better to take fewer magus in an attempt to invoke trust in the new relationship than take an army with me. Thank you for your concern, though.”

A symbol on the wall glowed, then another and another, and he was a step behind Opal and Winona in answering the next round of calls.

I wrinkled my nose. The other covens hadn’t wanted anything to do with us until now—not when this coven had looked down the gun barrel at the demon king and his army. They’d just obeyed the original coven until the mating ritual was on the table to dissect and discuss.

I’d remember who my original supporters were.

“We better get going,” I muttered to Wild and Huxley. “I have a lot to catch up on.”

And I looked forward to doing that. When the coven seemed one rumor away from turning on me, I’d held out for a pinprick of light at the end of the tunnel. I’d spotted that pinprick now.

Maybe. Maybe things were about to start working with me instead of against me.


I stepped through the portal, Wild by my side, with the address provided by King Julius tight in my grip. Written addresses were harder to portal to. Better to have a clear memory of the destination in mind, so you wouldn’t end up stuck in your magic for a few weeks or in the middle of a crowd of shocked humans.

“I think this is the place,” I murmured.

Wild whistled low. “No kidding.”

We’d arrived in front of an enormous mansion on the outskirts of Bluff City. The skyscrapers of the metropolis were visible in the distance past the large theme park closer to the water. But this mansion… I could pick the building up and pop it in the medieval Mediterranean. Or maybe ancient Egypt was a better fit.

“You’re good to come through,” I called back through the portal.

Huxley and Spyne arrived first, each holding a thick leather-bound book to their chests. Behind them, Andie and Sascha stepped through with a human I’d just met named Wade—a human—and another Luther named Hairy. He was next in order to Sascha and Andie in the pack from what I’d gathered.

“You can walk with me, handsome.” Wade stepped closer to Spyne, dazzling him with a white smile.

Huxley glared and snatched Spyne’s hand in his.

Andie shot Wade a look. “What happened to Gina?”

“It was hot and fun and now we’re both single and ready to mingle. I’m feeling like sausage instead of the bun now, you know?” Wade looked at Spyne again. “Are you with Mr. Warlock there? And is it a good thing going, or weak enough for me to lure you away?”

Spyne was entertained.

Huxley was not. He could join Sascha, who hadn’t cracked a smile whatsoever, and Wild, who didn’t appear to be listening to the exchange either. Both males were 1000 percent occupied by where and who we were approaching, judging by the tension in their bodies.

“Thanks for picking us up,” Andie said, walking beside me on my left. “We wouldn’t have gotten here this quick, and it’s right that we’re all here to commemorate the first alliance between our races.”

She was also my safeguard. I hadn’t brought more magus along, but having the Luthers present could deter King Julius from jeopardizing the deal. “You got it.”

“Wish I could portal,” she said.

“Wish I could turn into a wolf,” I answered, flashing her a smile, which she returned.

We approached the closed gates, and all of us slowed when they swung open ahead of us. In the middle of the driveway stood a woman dressed in tiny underwear, nipple tassels, and a see-through, gaping gown.

“Maybe I’m back to the bun,” Wade gasped in awe.