I looked up at him. “Because I got a vision of me in a black dress walking toward a man dressed in black jeans.”
Wild’s cheeks colored. “Oh. Yeah, that was from me.”
“What was it?”
He muttered, “Just an idea of how our union might be.”
My jaw dropped. He’d already planned that down to my outfit? Did he have the guest list and seating arrangement done too? “Wild…”
“I know. It’s just something that’s been in my head. Nothing to worry about.”
I wasn’t worried. I couldn’t believe his mind had the capacity to think that far ahead. Meanwhile, my mind was shouting that I may not make twenty-two, let alone get married to a hottie.
I didn’t know what to say, really, but Wild was mega-embarrassed I’d seen his fantasy. Resting my hand on his jaw, I said, “Your dream is beautiful. That’s exactly how I’d like our union to be.”
How ideal that I didn’t need to put any thought into the day.
Wild’s color deepened.
The other magus had caught the gist of our exchange, and chuckles were interrupted by the repeating sound of aww.
“So we can see images from each other now,” he said drily. “Good to know.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re cute when you’re embarrassed?”
“Only you would dare, my love,” he said, then rose to his feet with me in tow. He addressed the crowd. “A new development. One that showed Tempest how enamored I am with her.”
I wasn’t sure the coven had ever seen a mortified Wild.
He was fucking irresistible like this.
Hmm. I wondered if the vision thing went both ways. Not all our gains did. I focused on an image of his erection slowly sliding into me.
Wild jerked and a loud growl ripped from his chest.
His dark eyes burned into mine, his grip like iron around my shoulders and thighs. “That was a dangerous thing to do, my queen.”
“Was it?” My lips curled.
“Fuck this,” Huxley said. “Everyone to the eating chamber. We need to cleanse it like we’ve never cleansed it before. They’ve claimed the meadow for the next few hours.”
Yes, we had.
I leaned back in my authority like a racoon who’d just gorged themselves on food to the point of immobility. Wild and I managed to make dinner, and I’d had some catching up to do in the eating department.
“I meant to speak with you all this morning, obviously,” I said to the advisors. “What’s been happening?”
“Frond was hard at work while you were recovering from the demon attack,” Winona said. “But I don’t foresee that he’s a big problem now.”
Time would tell. “I don’t think he’s done. He’ll try a new approach once the original coven gives him direction. Any luck finding evidence of his betrayal?”
Everyone shook their heads.
Frond had to be taken in hand while we had the good will of the coven, yet there was no way to achieve that yet. Sven would need to continue his work in the meantime.