“Impossible,” Rooke said.

“Not for a magus,” Corey chimed in. “Tempest took Wild into her memory, after all. What’s to say the demon king couldn’t have joined, especially now the gates are open?”

I released my exhale in a rush. “He’s powerful, guys. Red caste and the most powerful of that caste if the depth of color in his scales is an indication. I guess he must be the most powerful demon to be king.”

My grandmother, mother, and sister were obliterated by him in minutes.

And I was meant to fight this guy and win. Rooke wanted to talk of impossible? That was the impossible part.

“Thank you,” I said to her. “That’s a lot for you to witness as well.”

“I’m glad you gained something from going back other than pain.” She leaned forward to hug me. “Just so you know, it took everything I had to stop the echoes of Rowaness, Hazeluna, and Syera from attacking Wild. They were not happy to have him in the car.”

I chuckled. “I know.”

“I received their messages loud and clear,” Wild said, a trace of humor finding him despite everything. “They only let me tag along because of their love for Tempest.”

My vision blurred, and I blinked the tears back. “I didn’t have that day in mind when I suggested you could meet them in a memory. Let’s visit a happier one next time.” Even then, their acceptance of him as mere memories meant something.

“I look forward to it, my love.” Wild pulled me from Rooke and kissed the top of my head.


I stared up at the ceiling. For some reason, I’d held hope that my demon would miraculously appear overnight.

She hadn’t.

“Nothing?” Wild grunted.

He was turned from me in bed. I’d thought he was asleep.

“Not yet.” I rested a hand on his back. “How did you sleep?”


Great. I had a feeling that meant I didn’t sleep at all. “There’s time for some frisky business before breakfast. I could do with the stress relief.”

“I’m due at a sentry meeting,” he answered.

Wild was sick. He just said no to sex. I swallowed disappointment, trying to push it down within, too, so Wild didn’t get the memo through our bond. If he felt my reaction, he didn’t respond. “Maybe later then. Do you need help with anything today?”


I drew my hand away. “Let me know if that changes.”




I kissed between his shoulder blades. “I love you. We’ll figure this out because that’s the only option. You know how good I am when backed into a corner.”

“You’re a one-woman army.”

The words held bitterness that took me aback. Yet none of this was him in the same way that chaos wasn’t really any of us. Chaos was an ugly pit that seemed impossible to extract ourselves from. “Who I am is Tempest, and you are Wild, and you are mine forever.”

He didn’t reply, and I rolled out of bed to get ready for the day. If Wild wasn’t able to function, then I’d keep the ball rolling. We’d find a pinprick of light to follow eventually.