Reaching forward, Kyros lightly flicked her ear.

“That’s my good ear,” she complained, rubbing it.

“What happened?” I asked.

She wrinkled her nose. “I was tortured. I was a new Vissimo and didn’t know how to protect my ears from the abuse.”

That was news to Andie and Sascha too.

“I didn’t know,” Andie said sadly. “Who did that?”

“The deceased,” Basilia replied, a savage look upon her beautiful face.

Sascha lifted his glass. “Good.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Wild added. “Even though Rooke only gave me water.”

I shot him a grin. “For the best?”

“Definitely,” he muttered into his glass.

“Do you mind if I take a look at your ear?” I said to the princess. “Magically.”

Kyros narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth.

“Go for it,” she answered.

“I won’t hurt her,” I said to her mate, who closed his mouth. “You may feel a buzzing.” I cast forth my apothecary magic and extended the tendrils to her affected ear. I inhaled as my magic painted a picture of rupture and scarring and pain. My gaze shifted to hers. “There’s a lot of damage.”

She heaved a sigh. “I know, I?—”

“Would you like me to fix it?”

Kyros jerked, and Basilia stilled.

“You can do that?” she asked woodenly.

I shifted my focus to her ear again. “Some of the scar damage may prove stubborn, but if not all, then I can heal most of it.” I looked at her and her mate. “It will hurt.”

Basilia poured what remained of her drink down her throat. When the glass filled with another passionfruit mojito, she drank that too, then one more before Kyros confiscated the glass.

“Can’t hurt as much as when it happened,” she slurred slightly. “Are those drinks human strength?”

Kyros sniffed the glass. “No, my beauty.”

“That bitch needs to work at my bar.” Basilia rested back on the couch. “Hit me with it, witchy.”

Wild chuckled.

I knocked three times on our bond. Can I take magic?

Wild knocked back twice. Yes.

Maybe I wouldn’t need it. But Wild worked as a catalyst for my magic—and mine for his—so I’d expend less magic by being open to his power anyway. “Ready?” I looked up at Kyros, who dipped his head.

“Andie, come here, please,” Sascha asked.

She didn’t deny him, instead walking over to sit on his lap.