Clearly, he had.
I couldn’t imagine Sascha would have thought to leave Andie behind, but there were definite differences in the relationships between the supernaturals.
King Julius walked to Basilia and took her hand, bowing to place a kiss on the back. “For now, you are a warrior, daughter. One day, I see you will make a ferocious mother, too.”
Basilia stared at the king, and whatever they exchanged was wordless before she stood and stepped forward to hug him.
Julius surprised me by enveloping her in his arms like some sort of natural hugger. The king untangled himself after a long beat, then approached his son. “No mercy for the enemy. No hesitation in war. Cool logic in all else.”
“Aside from matters of the heart and blood,” Kyros said, watching his father with a curious expression. They must be words he’d heard a few times. “Father…”
A ghost of a smile appeared on the king’s face. “Son…” He tilted Kyros’s chin and looked him in the eyes.
Wild walked into the chamber. “They’re here. Those on the surface have engaged the first ploy.”
My stomach churned. The magus we’d charmed to grotesque ulceration would be stumbling back to the caves, apparently forced by the demon’s magic. “Those at the entrance are primed?”
“Charms at the ready.”
We had to make our defenses appear believable. If we were under attack and had been forced back to the caves, we’d spare no expense in attempting to keep the demons at the entrance.
The sentry pendant around my neck warmed.
Corentin’s voice pulsed from it. “The last magus is inside. Charms going up.”
We’d made sure every area had a few sentries with pendants in it, so we’d all know what was happening.
I walked forward as eyes in the chamber landed on me.
They wanted words of reassurance or hope, and apparently I’d been voted in to speak them.
I opened my four affinities and heard the gasps of Luthers and Vissimo as my relics joined me. The thick cloak covered the black tights and crop top I’d donned for the occasion. I wore a charmed and invisible chest plate over it at Wild’s request. He’d fashioned it himself. Ryzika’s pendant weighed around my neck, and I tightened my hand around the gem and dagger.
Slipping the gem into a pocket in the cloak, I summoned my father’s demon blade. One magus weapon, and one demon. The symmetry and symbolism felt right. “Tonight we fight for our lives,” I told those in the room, pushing battle into my voice so the entire coven and those in the caves would hear. “We fight for a future free of slavery and fear. We fight side by side with our new friends to protect our children and way of life.” I slid a look to King Julius. “There is no mercy for our enemy today. There is no place for hesitation in war.”
He dipped his head, ever the regal ancient.
I turned from him. “Protect each other. Fight for each other. If the Mother is willing, I will see you when the dust settles. Be safe, my coven, my friends.”
I bowed to those watching me and felt the bows and deep nods in return.
Wild moved to stand beside me. “It won’t take them long to get through the barriers.”
As if summoned, Corentin’s voice chimed through the pendant again. “Nearly through, we’re retreating to our positions now.”
I glanced up at Wild, and he leaned down to press his lips to mine.
“I love you,” he said.
“And I love you,” I replied, setting my hand gently on his chest.
He searched my face. “Where are you?”
I smiled, then released my demon side, feeling black smoke rise the instant after. I didn’t need to reach up to check that my black scales were present. I could see some on the hand I rested on Wild’s chest.
“There you are.” Wild’s lip curled.
“Something funny?”