I followed her gaze to what remained of one at the back of the huge chamber. “No kidding.”

“Just a heads-up that Sage is looking to turn down the position of lead strategist.”

Damn. “Reason?”

“I can’t decide if she’s hurt about not being invited to the table as an advisor or if the size of the task and that the enemy is a real one has shaken her confidence.”

I clapped Delta’s shoulder. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

Now to locate Sage. So far this high-esteemed gig was just talking, walking, talking, then walking some more. I released a pent-up breath, pausing on my way to Sage’s quarters to watch the trickle of magus flocking to the eating chamber for lunch.

Maybe Sage could wait until I ate…

“High Esteemed?”

Or maybe not. I turned toward Barrow. “How can I help?”

He held up a stack of sealed letters. “These arrived.”

I took the stack and looked at the top one.

High Esteemed Tempest

“What are these for?”

“I would never presume to open your letters,” Barrow said in shock.

“I know. Just surprised to see these when my accession was this morning.”

I flipped the first letter.

Sender: The High Esteemed

Original Coven

The Astars had sent me a letter, and I suspected this one wasn’t a warm welcome.


Wild’s face hovered over me.

I diverted my unfocused gaze from the ceiling of my quarters to look at him. I managed to summon a single word. “Hello.”

“Hello. You okay?”

Depends. My mind and energy were gone. Was that an issue? I couldn’t even be bothered downloading my day into the quipu. “Big day.”

“You were busy. How did the talk with Sage go?”

“I convinced her to a trial of the job. Told her it would be the same process and procedure. That she’d be supported in the role. That the coven needed her.” All true.

I gestured to the letter on my stomach. “A little something from your parents.”

Wild picked up the parchment, reading aloud, “High Esteemed Tempest, we congratulate you on your accession. Per our agreement, the original coven upholds their obligations of the contract held between our covens with the enclosed.” He glanced up. “What was enclosed?”

“A box of novice charms.”

He growled, crumbling the letter. “That doesn’t uphold their responsibilities in our alliance.”