“I didn’t agree to anything, you mangy bag of fluff!” I shouted after him but it didn’t matter. Fighting back a stupid smile, I returned back inside, locking the door behind me to prop myself up against it.
Could this be for real? Did he really mean it? Was he really turning over a new leaf? I wanted so badly to believe him.
As with any good intentions, whether he was legit or not, only time would tell.
Chapter 27
Rosa was well on her way to being a Joanified seamstress, the kid’s costumes looking beyond adorbs. She was working her fingers to the bone to get them done in time and she was adamant about doing it all herself. Mal teased her she was crazy, but I totally understood Rosa’s drive.
My fingers slipped into my pocket, fingering the small pouch of beads I’d acquired after winning many a game of keeps with the small gem-rock things Lo denaii favored. I was sure I had enough to make a bracelet for Odix, Gopher, Kooky, and even the surprisingly attentive, but not in a kiss-butt kind of way, Rek.
Like before, he always seemed to be around, but unlike before, he was helpful, kind— he was actually listening.
I had a bet with myself going just how long this would last.
“Where go? You shoe broke.” Rek grunted in my general direction and pointed down at my shoe.
“It’s not bad yet. I’m actually going to see Doogie about some sort of shoe glue or whatever you all use to make human shoes, and see if he knows anything about bracelet making.”
“Why Jojoknee want Doogie show make bracelets?” His face said it all but he didn’t comment.
Laughing at the sourpuss look on his face, I shrugged. “Maybe I wanna make bracelets.”
Lifting my arm, he waggled Gopher’s bracelet at me. “Joansie has bracelet pretty from Goober.”
“Not his name,” I singsonged.
“Gopher not it neither,” he sang right back in a high falsetto, making me laugh.
We’d settled into this weird pseudo friendship. He didn’t push and I certainly didn’t tug. I had to admit, though… It was kinda nice. Really nice.
“Ugh. Rek sing stupid,” Doogie sniped, making a face at him, then went out of his way to greet me with a big hug that left Rek glowering over at him.
“Rek has the green eyes, like my mama say?” Doogie taunted as I swatted at him to knock it off.
“Yes,” Rek bit out without reservation. Folding his arms over his chest, he grumbled something under his breath that had Doogie cracking up.
Walking over, Doogie slapped Rek on the back. “What bring Rek and Jo to Doogie hut?”
“I want to make bracelets but not girly ones. They need to be thick and strong but not, like, dangling in the way,” I explained.
Doogie glanced between us. “Then why come to Doogie? Doogie no make bracelets.”
Giving him the stink eye, I deadpanned, “You’re better at basket weaving than your Mama and Daisy combined. Short of Zhuii’s incredible talent, you’re practically the chief artisan of Yetidom.”
“Doogie no know ‘bout that…” the blushing male grumbled as he glanced elsewhere.
“Doogie do,” Rek muttered, “Doogie likes it. Eats is up. Now help Jojo make the pretties so Rek not have to stare at Doogie stupid face more than Rek not want to.”
“Nobody’s holding a gun to your head,” I pointed out, then turned back to Doogie.
“Rek want be here. Want be with Jojoknee. No want listen to Jojomine tell Doogie how great him not ‘cause he make lady pretties and him lie and say no so Jo say more nice things, make him want to make the pretties Rek already know him going to,” Rek softly huffed and puffed, chuffing softly.
Doogie shrugged and pointed to a bare patch of ground in his front yard. “Doogie go get things. Sit there.”
Nodding, Rek held his arm out, waiting like a gentleman for me to take it, then nabbed my basket from me, and walked me over to the spot indicated.
“Bring things sit on!” he called out, motioning for me to wait.