"I think he's hungry so not something you can help with," Sissy said with a smile.
"I can bring more brownies," Asim offered.
"I shouldn't... But I will."
Dee stood up from the couch. "If you're going to whip out your breasts, I'm going to use the loo."
"There's nothing weird about breastfeeding," Sissy remarked.
"It is weird, you're my sister!" Dee insisted. "And I don't want to pee on your couch."
Sissy's laugh followed her. "You wouldn't be the first one! Giving birth sucks! In fact, I peed myself---"
She didn't hear the end of it and Dee was grateful for that. She already heard plenty of stories to put her off ever giving birth herself, she didn't need more. Maybe she would adopt if she ever got the urge to be a mother instead of putting her body through something as painful as childbirth. Even if Michael was adorable.
Dee entered Sissy's house through the open side door and followed the noise and chatter to where the party was. She hadn't gone to many Crescentings before so she wasn't entirely sure what to expect but she knew there would be food and games.
And Clarissa.
She couldn't say she was particularly looking forward to seeing her again but she promised Sissy she would be on her best behaviour and she intended to honour it.
It wasn't a surprise that a lot of people had shown up. Sissy was always the outgoing of the two and made and retained friends easily. There were people everywhere taking up the couch, chairs, and side tables. And in the centre of it all, Sissy, glowing from the attention and motherhood.
"Dee!" Sissy waved her over and pulled her into a hug. She was glowing, both from the attention and motherhood. It was a lovely sight to see.
"Where's my favourite nephew?" she asked, glancing around for little Michael. A cute baby like him would be passed around like a bong at a party.
"Right here," a familiar voice said.
Dee turned around and found herself staring at a beaming Clarissa. She was holding Michael in her arms, bouncing him gently up and down to keep him calm and quiet.
"Foster. We meet again," Dee said, cringing at her greeting. Who did she think she was, some super villain?
Amusement sparked in Clarissa's blue eyes. "Lewis."
"Can I have my nephew, please?" she asked, holding her hands out. For a moment, she thought Clarissa was going to say something clever but she handed Michael over without another word.
Dee pressed kisses on his fat cheeks, causing him to laugh. He babbled incoherently and melted her with just a smile. This was why she preferred babies over people. They were easy and uncomplicated, unlike adults. And it didn't hurt that they were adorable and cute.
She swayed him a little and adjusted his shirt. It had a little bear on it that looked a lot like Sissy's shifter form. Depending on his genes, little Michael might discover in his teens he was a bear shifter himself.
When Dee looked up, she found Clarissa staring at her with a weird smile.
“What?” Dee asked.
“So you can smile,” Clarissa said in a teasing tone.
Dee wasn't sure what to say to that. She knew she had a resting bitch face on a good day and her current bout of painter’s block made things even worse. And she just didn't like Clarissa Foster, there was that.
“I don't owe anyone a smile,” she said eventually.
“No, you don't,” Clarissa agreed, picking up a biscuit with frosting. “But it is a lovely smile.”
The genuineness of the statement took Dee aback. She hadn't done anything to evoke kind feelings in the other artist or warrant compliments. Not sure what to say, she turned her attention back to her nephew. He was blowing bubbles of spit and looked in his element from all the attention. In that respect, he clearly took after his mother.