Chapter 4: Fondle My Mugs

"Try again!" Mary cheered, jumping up and down as she clapped her hands. Shooting little orange pipes was her favourite thing to do at a fair. She was quite surprised they even had a little booth at a Christmas market, but then again, they also had a puppeteer, a cotton candy stand, and a magic show for kids. Mary wondered why she hadn't already been to the market, but then figured it was because she quite detested the whole holiday season in general. Which was one of the reasons she liked to fly out to a warmer and more exotic destination. Preferably, a place where they didn't celebrate Christmas. Or not a traditional one, at least. But this market was surprisingly nice and Louis turned out to be pretty decent company. More or less.

"Get that one!" she encouraged, pointing at one of the smaller pipes that was already missing a big chunk. One nicely aimed shot would make it jump right off.

"I'm out of leads," Louis pouted, waving at the guy running the stall. "Another round, please!"

With his gun fully loaded, he aimed at the stubborn orange plastic targets and fired another round of shots.

"Woooop woop, awesome!" Mary cheered when the orange pipe shot off the metal stick. Halfway through, they decided to pool their points so they could get one proper prize instead of both a handful of knick-knacks.

"That brings us up to the second shelf," Louis happily boasted, puffing up his chest. He glanced at Mary and reluctantly admitted that the blushes on her cheek definitely suited her well. It made her look more... Real. More human. He just wasn't sure if he liked that he liked it.

"Ooh, we should get that set of Star Wars mugs!" Mary grinned, pointing at a rather fancy looking collection of mug.

"Wait... You like Star Wars?" Louis asked, looking skeptically at her. Girls like her never liked Star Wars. If she did, he might've just found a gem.

"Yes. Jar Jar was my favourite character."

Louis bit back a groan and tried to push the disappointment bubbling up down. He should've guessed that a girl loving Star Wars was too good to be true.

Mary burst out in laughter. "Hahaha, man, you should've seen your face. Jar Jar Binks is not my favourite character. I hate that bouncy weirdo."

"Oh thank God," Louis sighed, holding his hand over his heart in relief. "I was afraid I'd have to secretly kill you in the back."

Mary grinned, pleased with herself. Star Wars always did the trick. And even though she had to admit that spending time with Louis wasn't too bad, she still wanted to get back at that jerk. That would serve him right for rejecting her advances, even when she threw herself at him.

"The killing doesn't sound like that much fun." Mary dramatically said, but then she turned and added with a wink: "But the back, now that does."

Louis mouth fell open as he wondered if she meant what he thought she meant. But that didn't seem right. No girl would just openly admit that. Although this one did ask if she could help him get up his tree...

"Cat got your tongue?" Mary grinned, happy that her comment seemed to have its desired effect.

"Umm..." Louis stuttered, not sure how to react to such a blatant statement.

"Maybe another cat can have your tongue later. And when I say cat, I really mean pu—"

Louis choked on his spittle, effectively interrupting Mary with loud coughing. Not that he minded. He wasn't sure what he'd do if she finished that sentence. Yes, Mary was a bit of a mean girl, but she was also gorgeous. And apparently, for some reason, had set her sights on him. Why, he wasn't too sure. It could've just been a prank. Maybe Valerie set it up. It would be something that she'd do. What a twat. She was the kind of manipulative bitch that would go this far to spite him.

He gritted his teeth, suddenly convinced this was all a practical joke set up by his ex. Why else would a beautiful woman like Mary be hitting on him?

"Cut it out," he growled, his eyes darkening in anger. He slammed the gun down on the counter and turned on his heels. With long strides, he marched away from the booth as he held back the vomit threatening to shoot out.

"Louis? Ummm? Hey, where are you going? Wait up!" Mary called, grabbing her purse to run after him.

"Miss, your tickets?" the guy from the booth held up a roll of colourful tickets. Hastily, Mary grabbed the end of the roll and hurried after Louis. With a trail of pink paper tickets fluttering behind her, she ran after him. She grabbed him by his arm and forced him to a halt.

"Oi! What's going on? Where are you going?"

Frustrated, Louis snatched his arm away from her grip. "Cut it out!"

"Cut what out?"

"That act. Don't think I can't see through your little tricks!"

Mary tilted her head in confusion. He couldn't have possibly realised she just wanted to get a quick lay. And even if he did, what guy would pass that up?

"I don't think I know what you mean," she hesitantly said, quite surprised at his outburst. He didn't seem like the angry type.