Mary turned, wondering why Nico was lurking around her still. She seemed to be silently stalking her throughout the house and she wasn’t quite sure why. Was she pissed that the men were distracted by her presence? Although earlier, she didn’t seem to mind talking to her. No, she seemed even… Flirty?
God, women were confusing.
“See you around,” Mary said simply, refusing to participate in Nico’s weird mind games. Whatever her deal was, she’d just try and ignore the nice-smelling girl with her piercing eyes.
Yes, ignoring Nico was probably for the best before she did something stupid. Like hit her. Or kiss her.
Mary quickly waved goodbye before she acted upon one of her urges. Whichever she picked, she was sure Nico would slap her in the face and she didn’t think getting into a cat fight was a good thing when the men wanted to play their game. Maybe another time, when they weren’t too preoccupied to find it hot. Maybe one of them could ravish her after.
Or she could ravish Nico.
Damn it! She scolded herself, mentally slapping herself on the wrist. She shouldn’t be thinking those kind of things.
She glanced at the pixie, momentarily getting lost in her deep eyes.
No! Bad Mary.
The door slammed shut behind her and a gust of wind played with the frills of her scarf. It was a cold night, but it was a nice change in temperature. After all, the four people in the house were heating her up and she wasn’t sure if she could do anything to stop that.
She didn’t even know if she wanted to.