Louis chuckled. "Sure," he joked.

The taste of anise fell on his tongue and surprised, he forgot to kiss Mary back. She was kissing him. Actually kissing him. Hastily, as not to make her think the kiss wasn't welcome, he wrapped his arms around her. Happily, he embraced the woman smelling like vanilla.

"Better?" Mary whispered against his lips.

"Only a little," he murmured, pulling her back to him. This time, he kissed her. Deeply. Thoroughly. Until the taste of anise and pepper danced on both their tongues.


Reluctantly, Mary pulled away from Louis and his soft lips. There was only one person who'd interrupt them like that. Sam.

"You enjoying the view?" she sneered, glaring at the tallest of them all. Sure, he was nice to look at, but looking definitely didn't beat kissing Louis. He was a surprisingly good kisser and he definitely flamed up the coals in the pits of her stomach. She could only imagine what else he'd be good at with his talented lips.

"Don't stop on my account," Sam grinned, slapping Louis on his back. "Nice going, mate!"

A sour grin stretched across Louis' face. "Thanks for interrupting, dude."

Sam shrugged, not caring much. "Nobody said you had to stop!"

Louis brushed his hand away, a little annoyed his mate wouldn't give him five minutes alone with Mary. He didn't mind sharing, but he did want some quality time with her. After all, she was here on a date with him, not Sam. Or Noel.

Sam held up his hands. "Chill, bro. I'm just playing," he grinned, winking at Mary.

She awkwardly coughed, not entirely sure what was going on between the three of them. Louis had mentioned something about them sharing everything, but from the testosterone fueled glares, she wasn't too sure anymore.

"I need the bathroom," she announced, using the oldest excuse in the book.

"It's that way," Noel helpfully added, pointing at the back of the venue. He'd seen his friends get competitive before, and he didn't think it was fair to the girls that got caught in the middle. Although it was a girl who got them this way.

Anger bubbled up in his gut as he thought about Valerie and how she'd ruined the synergy between the two of them. Every time either of them met a girl, he hoped she'd be the one mending the cracks between his two best friends. But the way it was going, that didn't seem very likely. Certainly not if he was also interested in the dark-haired brunette standing in the middle of their triangle.

Mary splashedcold water in her face, hoping it would calm her down a bit.


With a hand clamped over her mouth, a figure yanked her into the last stall.

"What the!" she started, ready to yell or kick whoever was stupid enough to abduct her.

The masked figure pulled his helmet off, revealing a set of blue eyes.

"Sam," she hissed, glaring at the man cramping the stall."What the fuck are you doing in here? This is the ladies room!"

"That's why I said shhhh," he hissed, placing a finger over her lips to silence her.

In a hushed voice, Mary continued. "Whatever. What are you doing here?"

Sam pouted. "Just wanted to check up and see if you were okay."

"And that couldn't wait until I was out of the bathroom?"

He grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Now what would be the fun in that?"

Mary pulled up an eyebrow. "What do you want?"

Sam chuckled huskily, drawing her attention to his sharp jaw. "I think the question is more: what do you want?"

Immediately, the coals in her stomach flamed up again. Embarrassed, she averted her eyes. "I don't know what you mean," she denied, trying to silence the greedy monster that usually laid dormant in her stomach.