Louis pointed at the two women. “Did you come here… Together?”
Mary tapped her nose. “You are quite the detective.”
“Together together?” he asked, raising his eyebrow as he inspected the brunettes. His imagination went in overdrive as he tried to identify the flavour on Mary’s lips. It was familiar and yet…
“We did yes,” Nico added, taking a firm stance. “Does that bother you?”
“Nope. I think it’s hot.”
“Oi!” Mary scolded, but she didn’t actually mind. If what she and Nico had turned on her men, then it was just a bonus. She was sure they would work their frustrations and fantasies out on her.
“What’s going on?” Noel’s head peeked from around the kitchen door as he looked into the hallway. “Nico! Oh, and Mary?”
“Hi, Noel,” Mary smiled, skipping over the carpet and pressing herself against his chest.
“Hello,” he smiled, his face softening as he looked at her. She curled her arm around his neck and delighted, he bend down to kiss her gently.
“This is a nice surprise.”
“It really is,” she sighed, nestling in his embrace. She really did love the softness about him. He was so different from the usual douchebags she was attracted to.
“Hello, hot stuff.” Sam slapped her ass as he passed by and Mary glared at him. He definitely was a lot more like her usual type. Almost, but not entirely.
The blonde guy turned around and Mary moved from Noel to Sam. He pulled her possessively into him and captured her lips passionately. He flicked his tongue against hers and she melted into his muscled self.
“How are you?” he breathed, only slightly pulling away from her.
“I’m okay,” Mary smiled, realising why he was different from real douchebags like Kurt. Sam actually cared.
“I didn’t realise you were joining us,” Noel said, straightening out his shirt.
“It was unplanned. I ran into Nico in the mall,” Mary explained, exchanging a look with the pixie. Nico smiled and just like Mary expected, Sam picked up on something.
“What’s going on between you two?” he asked.
The pixie peeled Mary out of Sam’s arms and curled her own around Mary’s waist. She checked if the brunette was okay and when Mary nodded, they leant in. Sam’s wolf whistle disappeared to the background as Nico’s nose brushed over hers. She parted her lips and granted Nico entrance as they deepened the kiss.
“Hot,” Sam commented, leaning against the counter as he watched the two women.
“Way hot,” Louis agreed, shutting the kitchen door with a slam as he joined Sam at the kitchen counter.
“You said it,” Noel muttered. This was a new development and he was all for it.
A little breathless, Mary pulled back and stared at the three men, hoping they were okay with it. The tent in Sam’s pants seemed like an acceptance, just like the wolfish grin hanging on Louis lips, and the beaming smile colouring Noel’s face. She turned to look at Nico and caught a glimmer in her eyes.
Yes, she could get used to this.