"Pffff, you're the dick."

"No, you're the dick."

Confused, Noel turned his attention back to Mary.

“No, I don’t mind sharing. Not if it means I get to be with you,” he smiled, hoping he was shaking off the uncertainty

“I’m glad to hear that,” Mary flirted, part of her still wondering how she had gone from zero men to three men. She glanced at Louis and Sam, curious if they were really okay with her having a third man.

“I’ll run circles around you.”

“As if.”

Unimpressed, Noel loudly opened the window. His friends were awesome, but they could be so immature. And why the two of them were bickering instead of paying attention to Mary, he'd never understand.

"Save it for later. Nico will be here any moment," he announced, hoping to change the conversation to something more substantial than their dick argument. He knew how that ended and he doubted Mary wanted to see a sissy fight between the two of them.

Mary perked up at the mention of Nico. They kept talking about this him, but she hadn't actually met him yet.

"Ah, the infamous Nico you're always talking about. Can't wait to meet the fourth member of your gang," Mary grinned, imaging another handsome bloke. They spoke very fondly of their other friend, but so far, she hadn't managed to actually lock him down. Mary could only hope he looked just as handsome as his three other friends.

"Nico? Nico!" Noel shouted across the street, waving his hand in the air. Mary quickly ran towards the window, studying all the passersby, wondering which one would turn around. Maybe the handsome guy in the suit? Or the sexy hunk in his tight shirt? Oh, hopefully, it was the beautiful man in the midnight blue hoodie.

A short brunette with a pixie cut pushed the heavy kitchen door open. "Hello, guys!"

Mary stared in confusion at the woman, wondering if this was another roommate they hadn't mentioned before. But as far as she knew, they lived there with just the three of them. So who was...

"Mary, this is Nico," Noel introduced. Flabbergasted, Mary frowned. That couldn't be right?


Louis pointed at the figure standing beside her. "Nico, this is Mary."

Mary narrowed her eyes, wondering if she understood this right. "But... Wait... Nico is a woman?"

Equally confused, the men scratched the back of their necks as they glanced at each other. "Yes?"

"Didn't we tell you?" Sam inquired.

Mary shook her head, her dark curls dancing around her face. "Umm... No? I just..." She glanced at the group, four pairs of confused eyes directed at her. Realising she was being rather impolite, she shook the thought away and extended her hand. "I'm sorry, I must've misunderstood. Hi, I'm Mary."

Nico pressed an incredibly soft hand into hers. "No worries, not your fault! The guys keep forgetting I'm a girl," she chuckled, little dimples appearing in the centre of her cheeks. Uncomfortable, Mary's eyes shifted from the guys to Nico, unsure if she was going to like this girl or fight her. If she was this close with her men, she must be interested in them somehow? Any girl just had to be. They were perfect. But if she was one of the guys, maybe she was already friendzoned. Maybe she'd make life shitty for her though.

Mary put on a fake smile and decided to keep Nico close, just to find out what her true endgame was. If she was secretly after her men, she'd make sure to work very hard to make her disappear. Louis, Sam, and Noel were hers. And she wasn't looking to share. Not even with this "Nico".

She wondered why none of the guys told her Nico was a girl though. Was it because of shady reasons? As if they didn't want her to find out they were so close to another female? One that happened to be at their weekly gaming nights and slept over as well? Or did they genuinely not notice?

All the questions made Mary's head spin as she tried to dissect every interaction between Nico and her men. Yes, her men. She didn't care that Nico knew them longer and better, they were hers. And Mary would make sure it stayed that way.

"You're just in time, Nico! We were going to show Mary the basement," Noel smiled, waving at Mary to follow her.

"What's this place?"Mary asked, the dark room rather suspicious. Why did the guys bring her here? Was it to fool around? Dear God, she hoped it was. She wasn't really in the mood to be killed and stripped for parts. Or something else horrible.

"Just our little slice of heaven," Louis grinned, flicking on the lights.

"Welcome to our gaming cave!" Noel happily welcomed Mary, pulling a chair from underneath his desk.

Unsure, Mary glanced at the sight in front of her. Five neat desks, back to back, each with a rather expensive looking computer screens and rows of keyboards.