"Shame. But hey, now you get to meet Mary."

"She's hot."


"What? She is."

Louis awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he turned to me.

"I'm sorry, Sam is a little... blunt."

Mary narrowed her eyes, studying both men. Louis was apologising, but not for the reason she thought. He didn't seem to care that one of his best friends was flirting with her. She made a mental note to ask him about that later and decided to shrug it off for now.

"Let's go inside," Noel suggested as he zipped his parka up higher.

“Yeah, let's go. Oh and Sam, you won't believe how Mary is dressed up," Louis teased, winking at Mary.

"She's dressed up?" Sam asked surprised, letting his eyes travel up and down over Mary's figure. From what he could tell, she was just wearing a big, poofy jacket. Nothing special.

"Yes. Wait till you see it."

Noel tilted his head. "How come you're dressed up, Mary? Were you two planning on coming here anyway?"

Louis snorted loudly. "As if!"

With her big coat hiding her costume, Mary blushed red. "I dressed up to tease Louis. I didn't realise I'd be meeting his friends, though," she tried to defend herself.

"Dressed up how?" Sam grinned, staring so intensely at Mary, his eyes could've burned holes in her jacket.

"You'll see," Louis grinned, almost proudly.

"Holy shit!" Sam loudly exclaimed, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets as Mary unzipped her jacket.

"Wow..." Noel whispered, a lot more discreet. But even he couldn't keep his eyes off of the dark-haired beauty.

"Told you," Louis grinned, his own eyes travelling up and down Mary's body.

"Damn, that's hot," Sam, the tallest of the guys, whistled.

Mary felt her cheeks burn up again, but this time, for a whole set of different reasons. She had put on the elven costume to mess with Louis, hoping he'd be attracted to her. What she hadn't planned for, was to have three guys hungrily staring at her. Like she was a piece of meat they wanted to devour.

She shivered. To be fair, this wasn't the worst place to be in. Three guys, all handsome in their own way, admiring her. She could get used to that.

"You like it, boys?" she flirted, twirling around as she completely shed her coat.

"What a catch," Sam coughed behind his fist. Mary was sure she wasn't meant to hear that, but she was glad she did. It'd been awhile since anyone thought she was a catch. In fact, it'd been awhile since she was looked at like this. Even when she was with Kurt. At the end, he only had eyes for the blonde bimbo that was young enough to be his daughter.

"So... Ummm... If you weren't coming to the convention, why did you pick an elf?" Noel carefully asked, glaring jealously at Louis. If only he was brave or smooth enough to dare ask girls like this out for a date. But next to Sam and Louis, he paled in comparison. Admiring the girls they were dating was as far as he got.

"Louis showed up dressed as Santa on our first date. I figured it was payback time?" Mary explained, rethinking her thought pattern. What had she been thinking, putting on this elf costume? In a way, she was happy they were at a convention where multiple people were dressed up. At least, she didn't stand out as much here as she would've in the national museum.

Actually, security would probably have kicked them out the moment she took off her coat. At least, she couldn't imagine the National Museum being okay with having a raunchy elf strutting around between their posh collection.

"So, what are you two meant to be?" Mary asked, pointing at the army costumes of Noel and Sam.

"Us? We're dressed like the characters of a video game, RIVER. Heard of it?"

Mary held back a snort. Did she look like she'd heard about that game? "No, I haven't."