"I forgot, I promised I'd meet the boys," Louis groaned, glaring hatefully at his screen. How did he get the dates mixed up?
"Oh," Mary muttered, awkwardly shuffling her feet over the gritty pavement.
"I'm so sorry," Louis apologised, wishing he could just crush the phone in his hand into a fistful of useless plastic.
"No, it's okay. I guess it happens," Mary bitterly spat out, not entirely sure why she cared so much.
"It's just... It's this convention we've all been wanting to go to. We've had tickets for months now."
Mary shrugged, hoping Louis couldn't tell how bummed out she was. "It's fine."
Beep beep.
"Yes?" Mary quipped up, the change in his voice promising.
"One of us cancelled so we've got an extra ticket. If you want to come?"
Mary's eyes widened. "Oh... Ummm... Is that okay for your friends?"
Louis nodded, showing the text he just got. "Yes, Nico cancelled and they're okay with me bringing a date along."
"O-Okay?" Mary agreed, hugging herself. Not exactly the date she'd been looking forward to, but at least she'd get to spend time with Louis.
"You'll fit right in, actually. It's a cosplay convention."
Louis nodded, already thinking about how he'd be able to shield Mary from all the teenage boys' eyes. They'd all be checking her out. Hell, he'd be checking her out. She looked extremely hot in her lewd elf outfit.
"It's a convention where people go to dressed up as a character from a fictional universe."
"Oooh, those kinds of things." It finally clicked. A cosplay convention. Something she'd never imagined setting a foot in. But if that was what Louis liked to do, then she'd give it a go. But only because she was sure he was chiselled underneath his winter coat. Not because she actually was starting to like the annoying blond. Of course, not that.
"Yo, Louis! Over here, man!"A tall guy waved at them.
Mary felt her cheeks heat up when she recognised the guy from the other night. That was the Santa she had mistaken for Louis. How embarrassing.
"Sam, Noel! Good to see you, guys!" Louis enthusiastically waved back, hugging two guys standing next to a ticket booth.
"Mary, you remember Sam, right?" Louis introduced Mary to his mate, who happily took the opportunity to kiss her hand.
"We meet again," he grinned, winking cockily at her.
Mary bit her lip as she glanced uncomfortably at Sam and Louis, wondering why he was shamelessly flirting with her again. Did Louis not tell the guys she was his date? Was Sam just a shitty friend? Or did they make it a habit out of sharing?
"And this is Noel."
Gladly, Mary diverted her attention from Sam's intense gaze to Noel's chocolate brown eyes.
"Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you," he smiled, shaking her hand lightly. Mary let out a sigh of relief. At least they weren't both hitting on her. That would be most awkward. Not just for her, but for Louis as well.
But her date didn't really seem to care. Instead, he was doing some weird handshake thing with Sam.
"Nico couldn't make it?" Louis asked, running his hand through his hairs.
"Nah, family business to sort out."