Chapter 5: Admire My Elf

"You look... Something," Louis muttered, his eyes trailing up and down Mary's figure. That was not how he expected her to look.

Mary grinned, twirling around in her elf costume. "What, you don't like it?" she innocently asked, batting her eyelashes at him. Internally, she grinned. Devilishly. Yes, this was the baffled look on his face she was going for. That would serve him for showing up dressed as Santa.

"You're... All green," he mumbled in disbelief, part of him cringing at all the people staring lewdly at her, another part of him admiring her bold move. That took guts to show up in a flimsy elf costume in the middle of winter. And the fact she did it just to spite him, that made it even more perfect. That was something he'd do. Hell, it was exactly what he had done to her on their first date.

Mary pulled up an eyebrow, twirling around her axis so Louis could admire the funny bells on the back of her belt.

"Isn't it beautiful? I figured you'd show up in your Santa costume again, so I thought I'd dress to match," she innocently grinned, but Louis could swear he saw horns and a tail protruding from her. She really was a devil. And he liked it.

"It's... something," he replied, annoyed he couldn't shake off his surprise. She’d really got him there. Damn. What a woman.

The green fabric was clinging tightly to her every curve, enhancing the dip of her cleavage and the sway of her hips. Now this was the kind of elf that made you want to get on Santa's naughty list.

"Are... Aren't you cold?" he managed to ask, concerned about the icy wind blowing through the streets.

"Just a little. But I figured you could just warm me up," she flirted, brushing against him.

A lump appeared in his throat. Damn.


Mary chuckled, pulling a massive coat out of the bag she was holding.

"I brought a coat. I'm not that crazy. It's freezing! But I took it off for... Effect."

Louis was both relieved and saddened to see her petite body disappear into the duffle coat. At least he'd actually be able to focus on what she was saying and not get distracted every five seconds his other head thought about Mary.

"So what did you have planned for today?" she inquired, hiding a smug grin behind the lapel of her coat. Yes, she definitely got the response she was hoping for.

"Ummm... I was planning on a museum, but I don't think they'll let you enter like that," he mumbled, suddenly relieved she was wearing an elf costume. A museum sounded boring as hell. Why did he think that was a good spot for a date?

"I like museums," Mary quipped, surprised he'd pick something like a museum.

"You do?"

"Yes. Although it depends on what kind of museum. If you're taking me to the sex toy museum, I might have to raincheck you," she chuckled.

Louis tilted his head. "No, I was thinking something like the National Museum. They have a new exhibition and I thought it was worth checking it out."

"Why not?" Mary smiled, careful not to show how much she was looking forward to the exhibition. She'd wanted to go, but hadn't been able to convince any of her friends. And now here she was, on an actual date with a guy who wanted to take her to the museum. And she was dressed as an elf.

She lightly shook her head, wondering how she had her priorities so skewed. Instead of taking it seriously, she’d actually rented an elf costume and showed up in it. Just to spite him. And then here he was, taking her on proper dates.

"You're an ass," she muttered to herself.


"Nothing!" she quickly waved away, her cheeks burning. She really needed to sort out the talking-to-herself spiel. She didn't want him to figure out what a loner she was.

"Okay?" Unsure what was racing through her head, Louis decided to drop it.

Beep beep.

Louis pulled his smartphone out of his pocket. "Ah shit."

"Everything alright?" Mary asked, nervousness swirling in her stomach. That was never a good sign. He was going to cancel on her. Damn. She’d really pushed it with her elf costume.