Chapter 1: Erect My Tree.


With an annoyingly loud bing, the doors of the elevator slid back open as the cold air from the lobby wafted into the small cubicle. Mary quickly turned away from the mirror, whipping out her phone so she could act casual. Like she hadn't just tried popping a pimple. A muffled ruffle made her actually look up from her phone and with a yelp she jumped backwards.

"What the?"

A giant, walking Christmas tree was shoved into the elevator, the branches driving her into a corner.

"Ouch! Oi, there are people in here?!" she yelled out, waving her arms in the air to alarm whatever twat was shoving those prickly hard branches against her.

"So sorry, madam!" a man's voice called out from the other side. Mary pressed herself against the far back of the elevator and stood up on her tippy toes, trying to check out the other passenger. She hoped this random dude wouldn't need to ride all the way up to her floor. This was a nice building. Who the fuck was trying to move in a giant ass Christmas tree? That was not how you did things here in the city. Here, you got yourself a fake looking thing that you could just take out from the storage space.

"Could you be more careful? And it's miss!" she called to the other end of the enclosed room, her voice jumping a pitch. She did not want to be called madam, even though it seemed to have become a more regular occurrence. Mary glanced at her reflection, wondering if she had grey hairs or wrinkles of sorts that might tell people she looked older than she actually was. People at twenty-three didn't usually get called madam, did they?

"I'm so sorry. I just need to ride to the fortieth floor. I'll be out in a jiffy!" the man called, trying to rearrange the tree. From what he heard, the voice on the other end didn't sound too pleased with his...choice of plants. Even though she was a little rude, he certainly didn't want to pick a fight with the holidays right around the corner. That wasn't exactly in the spirit of Christmas.

Mary brought up her bag and groaned into the dark leather. Just her luck, he needed to get out after her. How was she supposed to get out of this damn elevator with a whole lot of branches and sharp twigs poking her?

"Any idea on how I'm going to get out?" she sweetly asked, but even the tree could hear the venom in her words. Mary hated Christmas, she hated the holidays, and she certainly didn't care for the absurd tradition of bringing trees indoors. There was a good reason trees grew on the outside. It was because they belonged on the outside.

"Which floor do you need?"


"I'll try and move the tree?" the voice replied, shaking the tree once more. Mary cringed as it rained little needles on her. Those would be a pain to get out of her hair.


With a sharp sound, the doors of the elevator slid open. Mary checked the counter on the higher end of the wall and groaned. Only up to the twenties. Was this damn elevator always this slow?

With two female voices going: "We'll take the stairs," and the soft hum of the doors closing, the elevator got back in motion. Mary groaned and angrily stared at the branch poking against her thigh. That wasn't exactly what she liked pressed against her.

"Couldn't you have taken the stairs?" she called out, impatiently following the numbers sliding by as her floor approached.

"Not for forty floors," the voice answered reasonably. Mary pulled up her nose. She hated it when people made sense when she was being irrational. Of course, this person wouldn't have taken the stairs with a big ass tree.

"Could've waited till the elevator was empty," she muttered under her breath,

"What was that?" the man asked, pulling the tree closer to him.

"I said: Could've waited till the elevator was empty!" Mary repeated herself, squealing as a bunch of needles showered her.

"Well, excuse me." she heard from the other side of the Christmas tree, but it didn't sound in the slightest sincere. She’d probably pissed him off. Eh, what did she care? She just wanted to get to her flat, kick off her damn heels, and relax on her couch. With her flight cancelled and her holiday plans falling through, she was already in a sour mood. And now this kid was basically dry humping her with a tree. Not exactly the holiday season she had planned.


Annoyingly slow, the doors of the elevator rolled open and with a lot of shaking and hustling, the tree was pulled out of Mary's face. Thank fuck, he was getting out of the elevator. She brushed over her coat, getting rid of all the pine needles and carefully waggled out of the elevator. Into the tree.

"Goddamnit, you're still blocking me!" she cursed with a mouthful of Christmas.

"I'm so sorry, I thought I’d gone backwards enough!" the guy called out, shaking the tree again and pulling it out of Mary's way. "Did I hurt you?"

"You only deepthroated me with your tree, but apart from that, I'm fuckin peachy!" she shouted, whacking the branches out of her way with her purse.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am."

"It's miss! Miss! Do I look old enough to be a freaking ma'am?" Mary yelled, finally squeezing through the gap of the elevator and the tree. She stumbled into the hallway and with blazing eyes, faced the man who had managed to thoroughly piss her off in the past couple of minutes. Definitely a record.