Page 63 of Sweet Venom

"Why didn't you just buy the tests with words instead of lines?"

"Because I snuck it into the basket when Mason wasn't looking. I didn't have time eye which one I was selecting." She shoulder-bumps me and catches my eyes in the mirror. "Thanks for doing this for me. You're a good friend."

I've never been good with sentimental stuff. Charlie knows this, so I give her a clipped smile and change the subject. "So, how long do we have to wait?"

"Not long. They're probably ready now."

We both stare at each other in the mirror and suddenly, I am nervous. Why am I fucking nervous? I'm on the damn pill.

"Don't look. Just pick it up and we’ll count to three and look down at the same time."

We pick up our tests, and she starts, "One…two…three!"

Both of us look down simultaneously, but when I do, it's clear Charlie lied. My test does, in fact, have words. Words that read, PREGNANT.

I hear her audibly gasp next to me as my eyes stay glued to the test in my hands. I'm pregnant. I feel her hands rub my shoulders, and it's then that I notice her test sitting on the counter with the words, 'Not Pregnant.'

"This was a setup." It's not a question but a statement. She set me up.

"Please don't be mad at me, Vivi. You know how Mason is. He was worried after you passed out Friday night, and so was I. That's when I started putting things together: your headaches, the blood sugar spell, the fatigue you've been telling me about the past couple of days, and don't even get me started on your appetite. I saw you at the appetizer table out there."

I back away from the counter and move to sit on the bench. I'm not scared of the word. I'm afraid of how it will change things.

"Vivi, talk to me. What are you thinking? I know you haven't spoken to Ellis, but I promise he'll be a great dad. It is Ellis's, right?"

"Yes," I answer without thought before adding, "I mean, I don't see how it couldn't be. Tate and I only started sleeping together last week, and Sebastian and I have only slept together twice."

A knock on the door to the bathroom has us both glaring daggers at the door. I locked it when we came in to ensure we had privacy. "Hey, can we keep this between us? Please."

She reaches for my hand and squeezes it, her eyes full of empathy when she says, "Yeah, of course, but you know Mason and I are here for you. Whatever you need. You don't have to leave the house. Take your time, but don't shut us out. We love you, Vivian."

I nod and say, "You should probably go unlock the door. I'm sure it's Mason wondering why the hell you're taking so long."

She smiles as she moves toward the door. "You know him so well." Before she can answer, the person on the other side bangs louder. "I'm coming. I had to put my panties back on first," she jokes.

Shit, I really hope it's Mason and not some blogger doing a piece on my gym. But when she opens the door, it's Ellis. Charlie glances back at me, and I give her a nod; she opens the door, allowing him to step in as she exits.

It's only been two days, but he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. His long hair dusts his shoulders in unkempt waves, his usually smooth face has the beginnings of a beard, and those diamond eyes that pierce my soul have dimmed. I stand from my place on the bench and all but run to him, needing to get lost in his scent and wrapped in his warmth. He opens his arms all too eagerly, requiring all the same things from me.

I hear him breathe deeply against my hair as he nuzzles his face into my neck and says, "Tell me, Vivian. Tell me you're ready to come home, because if you can't find it in your heart to forgive me, I need you to let me go."

His words all but break my heart. I know what I want. Hell, my heart knew what it wanted before my mind would allow it to exist. I want three men, three beautifully broken men. But we've barely existed in peace. If I look in my heart and past the ugly that threatens to steal the light, I believe that Tate may have set out to use me to get to Ellis. To seek retribution for the loss of his parents, but somewhere along the line, he fell. I know it and believe the same can be said about Sebastian. He wanted to hurt me for hurting him, but ultimately, we only hurt each other.

However, I don't know if any of that matters now. How could it? Our future has never been sure, but I can't help but feel as though whatever could have been may soon be gone. I know what my choice will be. It's theirs I'm unsure of.

"Ellis, I said that I loved you, and I've never stopped, not for one damn second."

He takes his head out of the crook of my neck to grasp my face in his hands. "Why does it feel like there's a 'but' coming?"

I can't help but close my eyes, too scared to find an answer in his with the news I just learned. When my parents found out about me, it ruined everything, and I'm not ready to lose any of them. I release my hold around his waist and drop my eyes to the stick I've held clutched in my hand.

"Vivian, please—" his words die when he notices the object in my hand. He quickly swipes it out of my fingers. "Baby, is this real?" His hand finds my chin as he tilts my face toward him. "Tell me it's real. Tell me you're having our baby."

I nod emphatically, my nerves stealing my words, and the next thing I know, he's scooped me up into his arms and is twirling me around the locker room. His excitement is contagious. I knew I wanted this baby from the moment I read the words, but knowing he's all in too means everything, even if the rest is unclear.

"You're coming home tonight. If you're still mad, you can be mad from your room, but you will be in our house. I won't take no for an answer. I love you, and you love me. We'll figure out the rest." And because it's Ellis, and he bends for me, he rests his forehead against mine and kisses my lips softly before adding, "Say okay."
