This particular piece is one Amaris and I made together. Our bodies were the paintbrush and we used the canvas to express our emotions thoroughly. Our passion and love bleeds through the material.

If living here taught me anything, it was how to live slowly. Take the time to just relax and enjoy life. No more looking over my shoulder.

The white stone cottage is cozy, but it stretches out wide and gives us plenty of space to make this place our own. Our home. We share the dining room with the living room and the kitchen is closed off, but it’s right next to the dining table with an open entryway.

Lanterns, fairy lights, and flowerpots with Lilies and Azaleas decorate the porch that overlooks olive groves and mountains. We have a small garden on the extra land, then our backyard goes downhill into the trees. Nature surrounds us, but the neighbors and community aren’t too far away to where we are disconnected from everyone.

All the extra walking, staircases, and the cobblestone roads took some getting used to, but it’s a nice difference. We mostly take trains to get around unless we’re able to opt for our bikes instead.

Opening up the book I was reading yesterday, I pick up where I left off. Just another habit Amaris rubbed off on me.

The timer for the oven goes off, and as I’m walking into the kitchen, the front door opens wide to reveal the woman of the hour. In she walks wearing my favorite baby-blue sundress with her apron still on, helmet tucked under her arm.

“Hey, baby. What’s that smell? I said I would cook tonight.”

She places her helmet and keys down and walks to me while removing her apron, pulling me in for a tight hug where I pepper kisses atop her head.

“You were already in the kitchen for hours today, vida mia. You can relax, shower, sip some wine, and enjoy the meal.”

Taking her hand in mind, I guide her into our bathroom. “Take a shower then tell me about your day.” I place a kiss on her hand then turn to leave, but she stops me on the first step.

“Why don’t you join me and we can make this a fun shower?” she purrs.

When I turn back to her, her top and bra are already discarded onto the floor, those juicy tits begging for my mouth on them. Pulling myself together, I clear my throat.

“You need to eat first because when I get my hands on you, you won’t be able to do much afterwards.”

I have plans for her tonight.

To this day, her cheeks still heat up when I whisper dirty thoughts into those pretty ears.

Reluctantly, she agrees and turns to peel her dress off of her body, giving me a glimpse of a sapphire jewel when the dress pools around her ankles. Good, my girl knows how to listen.

“You can take that out now,” I add with a wink when her face flushes again, before walking out.

After a quick shower, she meets me in the kitchen in a green, knee-length nightgown. I want to rip it clean off as soon as she waltzes in smelling like the sweetest sin. She wraps her hands around my waist.

“I knew that it was baked feta pasta that I smelled when I came home. Mm, thank you so much, I’m ready for this meal.”

I give her a kiss. “I’m ready for this meal, too.” I run my hands down to her ass, then squeeze. Leaning down to her ear, I whisper, “Did you listen to me this morning?”

She nods shyly, though I know the answer already.

“Good girl. Let’s eat.” A smack to her ass punctuates my sentence.

Dinner goes by as smoothly as it usually does. She tells me about her day then we talk about her parents.

Natalie and Daniel have come to visit us twice. Things between her parents and I are progressively getting better and better. Sometimes they video call Amaris and other times they skip her and call me directly just to check in and talk. They treat me like family and I feel like I belong in theirs.

Something I never thought possible.

Hell, if you would have asked me two years ago if I saw myself with the world's most amazing wife and an accepting family by our side, I would have gotten offended and not have the capacity to believe it.

My wife.

We eloped a little over a month ago without telling anyone. Our closest neighbor—and closest friend—Camila, a charismatic lady in her late forties, was more than happy to be our witness. Her and her husband come over for dinner at our house once a week ever since we met them a week after moving here.

We decided to wait until we have the ceremony and party to tell anyone, that way friends and family can come and no one can say they missed out on it. It’ll be a small event on our one-year anniversary of being together in April. But the first time I married my wife, it was just us and it was perfect. It felt like the whole town was celebrating us all month long, they were just happy that it was December. She wears her marquise sapphire stone on her ring finger proudly every day and I never take my wedding band off.