Relaxing fully and releasing the first laugh in hours feels like a weight lifted off me in itself. I knew talking to him will make me feel even better. He is like the brother I always wished I had.

“God, I wish I could’ve seen that,” I say with a sigh.

“Your turn, missy.”

“Well, I got my memory back.” His brows shoot up with that signature boyish grin he wears.

“Am I talking to the authentic Amaris Santos right now? You definitely have to fill me in now.”

And I do, starting from the very beginning. I tell him about my parents and how I hated Kylo when I first met him. Then, I tell him about what my parents told me and how I wanted to kill Renato and Kylo, but Kylo got to me first—technically. He listens to everything and asks questions when he needs clarity. Deciding I have no else to talk about my feelings towards Kylo, I decide to tell him about that, too.

Ever since I met him and we went to the club for my birthday, he has been Kylo and I’s number one fan, but I always downplayed my feelings or simply wanted to ignore them. Marco knew better, but he didn’t pry much.

We never acted like a couple or anything when Marco was around, at least I didn’t think so. When I said as much or outright tried to deny anything between us, he claimed he could feel it in the air between us. The chemistry. The love.

I was certain it wasn’t love.

Did I loathe him? Maybe.

Lust? Definitely.

But love?

It couldn’t be.

Or is that exactly what it grew to be?

Marco and I have light conversation after moving past the details of my time away. As we laugh together, the door opens and Lucifer walks in. “Ky says he needs you back now, Marco, and Amaris needs to get some rest.” He turns to Ace and narrows his eyes, pointing a finger at him. “This is a one-time thing, mutt.”

Ace turns in the other direction and gets comfortable, dismissing him in response.

“Alright, I’ll be out in a minute,” Marco calls to Lucifer, then turns to me when he leaves, saying in a sing-song voice, “Told you so. Before I leave, I brought these bags that you started to pack with clothes and essentials. There may or may not be a container of sweets that I took from your kitchen in there, too.”

My face lights up when he mentions the treats. “Really?” I ask. He shoots me a playful wink in response.

“When have I failed you?” he asks as he stands. “Remember what I said, though. Trust yourself and listen to your heart and your gut. You did the impossible and made him act human.”

After he leaves I lie awake for another hour or so, letting my mind run rampant until I drift off to sleep.

The following morning, Lucifer takes me to my parents’ house—per my request—after the doctor checks up on me and I have breakfast. It’s been weeks since I’ve last seen them and I don’t want to go another day without at least letting them know I’m okay and knowing they are, too.

What if Renato got to them before he died? I would be none the wiser.

The apartment is quiet when I step inside, only raising my anxiety. My first stop is their bedroom. Maybe they continued life and they just aren’t here because they are busy. That thought didn’t cross my mind until now. If that is the case, I’ll wait for them.

Mama doesn’t move from her spot on the bed when I open the door, but my anxiety dissipates at the knowledge that she’s alive and well. Rounding the bed to her side, she is awake, but her eyes have dark circles under them and are puffy as if she was recently crying. When she looks at me she shoots up and looks as if she’s just seen a ghost.

“Mi amor, eres tu de verdad?” She reaches out to cup my cheek, bursting into tears when she makes contact.

“Si, Mama. It’s really me. I’m here.” My voice breaks on the last word and I throw myself into her arms until we both stop crying. It’s hitting me so much harder how much I missed her now that I’m with her.

She takes my hand when we are both calmer and leads me out of the room, saying, “Your dad has been working from home since you left.”

My dad has darker eye bags than Mama does and my eyes well up with tears again when I see him. He stands and meets me halfway for a tight hug. We all go out into the living room to have a much-needed conversation.

They listen to me until the very end and I’m glad to let this be the last recount so I can move forward. Both of their eyes radiate their inner outrage and heartbreak when they learn about the kidnapping. Mama pulls me in for another hug when I finish my story and plants a kiss on top of my head.

“We were so worried the night you left, then you didn’t come back the next day and you weren’t answering any of our calls. You have always been spontaneous and impatient. At first I thought you didn’t want to come back to us because we aren’t your parents. Then I considered the worst, but I didn’t want to get ahead of myself.”