“I’m here…” His croaky voice is the sweetest sound to my ears, the tears falling on their own volition in response.

It’s not possible. Is he really here?

“I-I- He...”

“Shh, it’s just me. I got you. You’re safe now,” he coos in my ear. Relief and inexplicable joy wash over me like a tsunami wave as I launch myself into his arms.

Damn, I missed him.

I allow myself until the count of five to embrace him tightly—and let a few more tears slip out—as if being separated from him would kill me. He grabs my face with both of his hands and pulls me in for a soft kiss, one that says more than words ever could.

When I pull back, we speak at the same time.

“There are at least ten more girls here.”

“We don’t have much time, we have to go.”

He takes my hand in his and starts walking us through the darkness.

“Maven’s team is extracting all the girls as we speak. I have a car waiting for us at the edge of the perimeter, but we have a small window,” Kylo informs me.

“Who’s Maven?” I ask.

“You’ll meet her when we get outside.”

As soon as he opens an exit door and the fresh air hits me, my eyes water anew. Kylo scopes out the surrounding area, then signals that it’s clear for us to move out. The moonlight casts an ethereal glow over us. We both take a moment to take in the other with the new lighting. His hair is disheveled and his eyes have a red tint around them, but they’re wide with concern.

“Baby…there’s so much blood.” It’s his horrified whisper that brings me back to what I did.

I killed a man.

The color drains from my face as I whisper back, “It’s not mine.”

He brushes my hair away from my face, lightly rubbing over the forming bruise with a pain-stricken look. “What did they do to you?” he growls.

Suddenly, my vision fades in and out along with Kylo’s voice. The world spins around me, calling me back into the darkness. My body loses its strength and two arms lift me bridal style. That’s the last thing I feel before everything fades to black.

Chapter 26

Amaris is unconscious and I have no clue why or what might happen to her. Maven and Luci have been getting an earful of my anxiety-driven worries during the entire ride back to Luciano’s house. One of the doctors who came out tonight for the girls is already en route while another quickly patched up the wound from when Amaris stabbed me.

Luckily, we were able to get sixteen girls out of there and most of the people running the show got their heads blown off. If they didn’t, they’re next on the list. Maven’s crew will go back and ensure the place is burnt down to ashes as soon as they confirm there are no more hostages.

After most of my panic subsides, different emotions start pouring out. I don’t know if it’s due to the fear of losing her again or if being around Luci just makes me want to open up.

“She breathes life into me, Luci. She showed me what love feels like. I want to learn how to love her properly, the way she deserves, and show her just that every day until my last breath. She can’t go before me, I won’t allow it.”

For the first time in my life, Luciano visibly softens at my words. He looks down at a sleeping Amaris on my lap, then returns his gaze to me with a hint of amusement.

“Never thought I’d see the day, Kincaid. I think she’s good for you, man.”

Maven chimes in. “That makes two of us. She did the impossible and thawed out that frozen, black heart of yours.”

I can’t even argue with them there. I remember when I used to think the same as them.

That no one could ever love me, nor I love them in return. That my heart would stay charred forever. On nights when I couldn’t stand to look at myself, I only hoped to never turn out like the man who raised me.

But I will never be him. I’ll be better, in every way that counts.