“Okay, well the guys wanted some rolls.” He rolls his eyes placing a hand on his hip as dramatically as Amaris usually does. They really do act like long-lost friends or siblings bickering. She packs up the container of rolls and hands it to him, looking unimpressed. “Save me some for tomorrow and I’ll let you shoot the big gun,” he sighs.
“Really? I was going to save some, anyway, but I’ll take it.” She shoves him away before he can protest. “Can’t take it back now.” She sticks her tongue out at him and he just narrows his eyes before walking out.
It occurred to me while she walked back to me, that this whole time while she has been dealing with everything going on, she may not have been entirely alone. I’m oddly grateful for that thought, and I guess a small smile grew on my face because she questions me.
“You are beautiful.”
At least I don’t think I have to worry about Marco. She doesn’t have to know what I did, but I find solace in knowing Duke won’t be bothering her or anyone else ever again. Last night was the first time I enjoyed watching the light fade out of someone’s eyes. And as long as I’m around, no one else will ever hurt her.
“I’m a mess,” she says.
“And you are perfect this way,” I retort, placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
“Mm, minty,” she comments.
“It’s helping me quit.”
She rears her head back, raising a brow. “When did you quit smoking?”
“After your birthday.”
We spend most of the day in our own little bubble eating, talking, and watching a movie. If she wants to shut me up, she just shoves a snack or treat in my mouth. I compliment her baking multiple times, even when we have a real meal. Not only because I mean it, her treats are great, but every time I compliment her food she glows under the praise. I want to keep her like that forever.
The bookstore sent her an email asking her to go in on Monday for an interview and she lit up like a Christmas tree. If her reaction was anything to go off, I’d say she has more than what it takes to get hired and she’ll be damn good at anything she does. She deserves it all and more.
I don’t remember the last time I genuinely smiled, let alone smile this much. The muscles are so unused, it feels weird on my face. Amaris looks at me seriously, causing my smile to falter. I’m sitting on the couch and she’s laying in my lap.
Reaching up to caress my cheek, she whispers with a look of wonder, “You should smile more often.”
Rain starts to lightly tap on the main window until it’s pouring outside, darkening the skies outside. A few minutes in, Amaris springs up excitedly.
“Let’s go outside.”
Looking out the window, then back to her, I say, “You do know it’s raining and probably cold out there, right?”
“I do. If you want to stay inside you can, but me? I’m going to run outside,” she replies confidently.
That’s the moment I realized I would follow her anywhere.
Ace doesn’t even move, instead getting comfier on the little bed we set up for him. Amaris grabs my hand and leads us outside, barefoot with just her silky dress. She takes off in a sprint toward the woods, we are soaked through before we even make it to the trees. I grab her by the waist, spinning her around when I catch her.
On her feet again, she looks at me as if debating something. “Do you know how to dance?” she asks, chest heaving still.
“Not really,” I say casually. A sliver of disappointment passes over her features, but she covers it quickly. I’m no Prince Charming, but for her, I might try to be anything. “Ask me anyway,” I say, taking a step closer to her.
Huffing a laugh, she says, “Mi amor, will you dance with me?”
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
We dance in the rain, with no music, like two lovesick cornballs. I spin her out then back into me and we laugh together, then simultaneously stop, amber eyes boring into mine.
I have no idea when it happened. It crept up on me and consumed me whole, this feeling. Somewhere along the way, I started to fall for her. Only a fool could think one time would be enough. One kiss, one day together, one night in the sheets. No amount of time with her will be enough.
I just hope our time doesn’t run out.
“Your eyes are like sapphires,” she whispers.