“Why would he give me so many mates?” It used to be the way our people once mated, but the tradition died off as we entered the modern age. The Alpha is trying to make us the poster pairing for the old ways.
“If I had to guess, I’d say for protection,” Cadoc’s rumbling voice does funny things to my stomach.
“From what?” Fell asks.
“That’s the question we need to answer.” Kirk squeezes my arm.
Bo raises his hands. “None of this makes sense. This is an action meant for the most revered and obedient.”
“The only way to find out is to return and face the music,” Kirk suggests.
Bo rubs his brow. “I gotta tell you, that zen shit you have going on is annoying.”
Fell studies him. “Seems like you need a little chill in your life.”
“No one asked you, hermit.” Bo scowls.
“Enough.” Cadoc puts power behind his words. Fell and Bo slam their mouths shut.
“You are my clan. Respect, trust, and support will bind us or tear us apart. Let’s go find out what
we’re being tasked with and plan from there,” Cadoc says.
We all mumble our agreement and trail behind him with our tails between our legs as his power hovers over us. There’s no question Cadoc is the head of this dramatic family is.
As pissed as I am about the Alpha’s heavy-handed tactics, I’m grateful to have Cadoc’s leadership in my corner.
I lusted over the well-formed specimen with piercing blue eyes and black hair like every other girl my age, but having him was always unfathomable. And now he’s ours.
The possessive tone in the she-wolf’s tone is amusing. I don’t think anyone can own a wild creature like Cadoc.
All eyes are on us as we enter the meeting space.
“I see the pack hierarchy has been established.” Alpha sounds pleased. I’m torn between
preening under his approval and the desire to claw his eyes out.
Gritting my teeth, I keep my eyes trained on the ground to avoid outwardly showing disrespect.
“Come and join me,” Alpha waves us toward him.
Staring at the large Viking descendant I understand what it is to truly hate. Erik Thostenson, the last of his line has made me his enemy and reluctant follower. I won’t forgive or forget what he’s done in the name of the greater good.
“The new pack will need your support as they bond. I want everyone to remember serving them
is obeying me.” I hear the warning loud and clear.
Anger sparks inside me. He has no problem telling everyone to back off when it serves him, yet all these years he let me suffer under the weight of condemnation and torment.
Kirk presses his shoulder into mine on the left. Fell does the same on the right, sandwiching me and calming me without a word.
We pause in front of Alpha. Our holy man steps forward with a silver bowl etched in runes for prosperity, health, and protection. A matching goblet is held by Alphonse.
“Today we witness the joining of these five pack members.” A pouch of mulled wine is brought forward and poured into the chalice.
The holy man passed it to Alpha who offers it to each of us for a sip. The rest is poured into the bowl and blessed. He holds it above his head.
“We ask for the blessing of the gods for this union.” Lighting streaks across the sky. Power thrums up from the ground. Thunder rumbles and the wind picks up.