He certainly doesn't deny it. And as though he’s sure that I’ll willingly bend over or lay down on one of the workshop’s workstation tables or even left Ruprecht heft me up and take me against the wall… as though he’s sure that I’ll do exactly what he demands of me, he’s already dropping his red Santa pants down by his knees so that he can get his hand on his cock.
It’s not as nice as Ruprecht’s I notice. He has a patch of white curls covering his junk. It’s thicker, but not as long, and it’s already as red as his nose in its semi-erect state.
He laughs again—”Ho, ho, ho!”—before bracing his boots and telling us both, “Whenever you’re ready to begin.”
He’s so sure… and that’s because he knows I have no choice. The rules of Blackmoor are different. Anyone who faces the monsters… the beasts… agree to do whatever it takes to survive the three days.
I got the waaaaay wrong idea. I really thought it meant evading them, outrunning them, dodging them before they could attack. Not in a million years did I ever guess that, to beat them, I’d have to sleep with one.
It all goes back to that damn birth control… I had no idea, but after how easy it was to be intimate with Ruprecht yesterday—and how I would’ve fucked him last night, no doubt, if he’d agreed to it—I guess it was inevitable that I’d end up with a little monster dick.
But that’s the thing. Of the two Christmas twins, only one of them is a monster to me. Spoiler alert: it’s not the one with claws, fangs, and horns, either. Santa is more than happy to jerk off as he watches his brother take me, but despite Ruprecht’s assurance that Nicklaus wouldn’t touch me after he did, I don’t buy it.
There’s something about him. The way he so mentioned needing another bride after his elves gleefully told me about what happened to the last one… no. No way. I’d rather the demon who was sweet and protective and who treats me like I’m precious than the two-faced Santa who would take me, break me, then discard me because I’m just another one that forest gave to him.
But Ruprecht… he wants me.
I look away from Nicklaus. The big demon is walking back and forth on his hooves, obviously distressed.
Ah, hell. I mean, I thought he did.
I lay my hand on his chest. Through the warm flesh, I feel his heart beating rapidly.
I give him a smile. “You don’t have to do it,” I murmur, keeping my voice low. “Between the two of us, we can take him. He can’t force you to have sex with me because of these arcane rules. Besides, I’ve only got a few more hours. If you’re worried about me, I’ll. be fine.”
I always am.
His expression softs. “It’s not that, liebling. If there’s anything I want you to be sure of, it’s how much I want you. How I’ve craved you since the moment I saw you enter my territory, and how that need has only grown since I’ve had your taste. Claiming you in front of Nicklaus… in a way, he is me. A part of me, a part of our legend. Our lore?—”
Okay. “If that’s so, then what’s wrong? I mean, I’m not the biggest fan of having an audience when I’m with someone, but, like you said, he’s you.” And if I try to convince myself of that, maybe this won’t be as weird as it is… “Besides, I have my gown, and you have a wide back. If he stays over there, we’ll have a little privacy.”
His eyes flash, a rare display of temper from Ruprecht. “He won’t see anything you have to offer, Josie. I vow it.”
So he wants me. He’s possessive enough that he doesn’t want Nicklaus to see me, though he doesn’t mind if he watches part of the act.
But if that’s so… what’s the problem?
He tells me a moment later.
“It’s just… my brother gives to good girls. I punish them. I can’t punish you.”
“Sex with you wouldn’t be a punishment,” I tell him.
“I want to believe that,” Ruprecht murmurs in answer.
Right. Only there’s no tea in sight, is there, and I’m pretty sure Nicklaus won’t allow Ruprecht to use his Krampus magic to conjure up a quick cup. Not when he’s muttering, telling us to get on with it.
The only way to show him that is by showing him.
Dipping my hand under my gown, I swipe two fingers through the slick wetness that’s seeping out of my pussy. Despite how just the idea of Nicklaus is enough to dry me up, when it comes to Ruprecht, I can’t deny that I’ve been aroused by him from the beginning.
Taking my hand back out, I show him how my fingers glisten with the moisture of my juices. His long, pointed tongue flicks out, the entire length reaching for my fingers.
Holy fucking shit. I thought his tongue was maybe eight inches tops. When Ruprecht licks the moisture from my fingertips, his demonic tongue is nearly double that.