“I don’t want to punish you.
“I’m not concerned that you will,” I tell him honestly. “Krampus has to be the punisher. That doesn’t mean Ruprecht is.”
“You don’t understand,” he says apologetically. “It is my instincts. To fully release in my mate… to form a bond… I need to tap into my demon side.”
Okay. I guess I get that.
“Will it hurt?”
“Never,” he vows. “I would never hurt you, libeling. If anything, I might be a little… wild.”
Is that all?
Hey, if he’s not going to break me like Nicklaus wanted to, I’m game for anything.
“Hang on.” Shimmying to the side of the table, I sit up and scoot, giving Ruprecht my back. “Do my buttons, okay?” I glance over my shoulder. “Can you do that with your claws.”
Ruprecht waves his hand. Using magic, the dress slackens as the buttons down the back of the bodice spring open, the front cupping forward,
“Impressive. Though, next time, save us a little time and just get rid of the whole thing. ‘Kay, R.? Good.”
Before he can answer me, I hop up, shake off the gown so that I’m completely bare, then hold up my hands.
Ruprecht’s mouth falls open when he gets his first look of me naked.
“Come on, demon,” I tease, cupping my breasts so he can get an even better peek. “Let’s see how wild you are.”
His eyes sparkle with need—and desire. Bowing his head, he grips me carefully around my waist with his claws, then angles his head so that his horns are in my reach.
“Hold on, alte liebe. And I will show you just how much your demon wants you.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice. Grabbing his horns, using them to hoist myself up and wrap my legs around as much of him as I can, he uses his strength to move me easily back the table.
My ass isn’t even on the wood before he’s back inside me, moving at a pace that has me just a teensy bit worried about splinters in my ass cheeks—but, I promise you, it’s worth it.
Thank God that, after he licked my pussy clean after the last time he nutted in me, Ruprecht used his wickedly talented tongue to lap at my hip. Without that little boost of healing, my trembling legs never would’ve held up my weight. Add in the dress that I had no choice but to climb back into since I didn’t have anything else and… yeah. That would’ve been a struggle.
In that post-nut clarity, it hits me that we continued to fuck in the Toymaker’s workshop. So he sent his elves away. So Nicklaus disappeared up the damn chimney or something. Lost in the haze of being with Ruprecht, and allowing myself to enjoy the demon once we were alone, I didn’t care that he was banging me on top of a wooden table where millions and millions of children’s toys have been made over the centuries.
I didn’t care then. I kinda care now.
Ruprecht is the one who eases me to my feet once I tell him I’m ready to go. He holds the gown in place so I can climb inside of it, and finds the heels that slid off my dangling feet as he plowed into me. After kissing the sole of my foot, he puts them on me, and together we leave.
I expect him to lead me back to his cottage. Though the forest is even darker and snowier when he guides me out of the workshop, it didn’t seem like I’d been inside of there that long. So either I slept much later than I expected or time runs different in Blackmoor because, when I realize he’s been guiding me back to the edge of the forest, his only answer is: “Christmas is almost over.”
Christmas is almost over—and so is my time in Blackmoor.
Facing the shimmering border that I instinctively understand separates the woods of legend from the village on the other side, I think I understand what Nicklaus was trying to explain. Before my three days were up, that border would’ve kept me trapped in here.
If he refused to let me leave his workshop, he would’ve kept me trapped in here.
But Ruprecht… he stops just short of the border.