With that thought, Azure, Lord of Summer and the Blue Banner touched her. A kind hand placed itself on her shoulder, and that kindness made her weep even harder. His flesh was warm, and she felt like a corpse under his touch.
I died in that wall. My soul is still there. Screaming without sound. Encarmine came for me, but it was too late.
Yet Azure had come as well. Gentle Azure. Encarmine had been there to save her, to rescue her, just as he had with Vermilion, and his wrath would have put a river of blood through the Yellow Realm.
But Lord Azure, he had come alone. No bannermen with him. Just as he did to her now, touching her shoulder. Only the reassuring presence of someone, like he was trying to remind her of her body. Of where she was.
“I didn’t even call for help,” Celestine choked back a sob. The grass still swirled and blew beyond them. The wind was not indifferent. It simply blew because it had to.
“It is the great lie the abuser weaves within anyone under their care, Celestine. That they are not worthy of aid, and their punishment is justified because they did not beg for release. Shame is their prison. It is the dirt they ply upon those they bury alive within a tomb of abuse.”
“He can’t heal me,” Celestine whispered. “Nothing can. I will die among the Seasons, and my people will follow.”
“Of course he can.” Azure gripped her shoulder. “What happened to you was horrid, and if you continue your courtships, more will come. Worse will come. But also such greater things. Life is wonder and wrath, sometimes in twin ribbons that weave together. Encarmine taught you exertion, strength, and bravery. Solis taught you submission, the lure of the lock and chain, and delicious torment.”
“What are you here to teach me?” Celestine asked.
At that, Azure laughed. His laugh was honest and lovely. Full of life with each hearty chuckle.
Celestine smiled, not quite understanding. Azure knelt beside her, pointing to the hill.
“He comes, look.”
Celestine looked up. Garo was approaching. He walked forward, hoof after hoof, such a proud and noble creature.
Garo came closer, interested. She choked back her sobs, and he continued forward, and after a moment, his wet nose was breathing all over her, inspecting her. He wet her neck and face with his prodding inquisition, snorting loudly until she…
Celestine laughed. Truly laughed between her sobs. Garo dipped his head into her hands and nuzzled upon her lap. She held his beautiful long face, stroking his muzzle. The only sound was the wind on the grass and the snort of the animal, between her laughter.
Chapter 21
The Hands of the Wind
The morning of their eighth day, Celestine joined Azure in his hunt. He walked Ferro out, a short bow slung across his back. Leather boots padding softly on the ground.
Azure asked Celestine hold Ferro, teaching her how to unhood him and how to send him forth. Azure threw stones among the grasses in different directions.
“Now, Celestine!”
A flurry of fur moved among the grasses, darting in and out of the tall stalks. Celestine threw the hawk into the air, where he screeched, climbing high and circling.
“He goes, Celestine! He goes!” Azure was laughing.
She watched with rapt attention. Ferro climbed higher and higher, screaming against the sky. His brown wings beat harder and harder.
Then he dove, instead of fighting the air, he used it. He was so fast. The hawk screamed and plummeted towards the earth to a nestle of grass she could not see. She heard the brief squeal of an animal cut short in death.
Celestine jogged up. Azure followed from his side.
“Praise him, Celestine. But do not allow him to eat. He must return to your glove first.”
Celestine walked closer and closer. Ferro was sitting proudly above a dispatched hare. His beak held a bit of fur.
“Come, Ferro, come.” Celestine reached out, guiding him to her glove. For a moment, the hawk would not move. Then he screeched once and hopped onto her glove.
“Good boy! Such a good boy.” Celestine wrapped the throngs around his legs to her wrist. She reached up, avoiding a friendly peck from his bloodied beak, and ran the back of her fingers along his proud feathers.