Celestine looked down at her bare feet, something at home she would never permit another man to see.
How times change. How it changes us.
She didn’t like saying Tristien’s name. It was like an evil spell that she would walk back to.
“May I try that?” Celestine reached out to the pipe.
Azure raised an eyebrow. “This isn’t your father’s tobacco, Celestine. The sweetvine gives it a dusting of an intoxicant.”
“I feel like I could use a barrel of intoxicants right now.”
Azure sat up, puffing to keep the ember lit, and handed it to her. As she took it, he held the other end.
He looked at her, making sure she got his point. “It doesn’t take anything away.”
Celestine nodded. Acrid and sweet smoke billowed into her mouth as she puffed. She blew the smoke out into the air, her eyes already dancing. She coughed hard, and Azure handed her the wineskin.
“Sorry, Lord, I ugh…” Celestine coughed.
“It’s alright.” He took the pipe back.
A warm feeling came over Celestine. Not unlike a few glasses of wine, but different. Her head felt a bit fuzzy. The fire seemed to shimmer differently. She reclined among the cushions, listening to her own heartbeat.
Azure puffed on the pipe, watching the fire.
“I am not Encarmine,” he said after a while.
Celestine shook her head, entranced by the flames. Her mouth felt dry, and she drank from the waterskin.
Azure was staring at her.
He wants my body.
“I am not--” she began.
“Nor am I Solis, with his manor and manacles.” Azure stared at her.
Celestine nodded. “I may need some… time for our courting.”
Azure smiled. “My ways are much different, Celestine. You need not ever feel my touch. Even if we were betrothed. I am not here to hunt or control you. I only want you to do one thing.”
“What is that?”
Now that the pipe had gone to her head and the warmth of the fire settled into her bones, she felt a deep comfort. The hot food filled her, leaving a pleasant fullness in her body. Out among the stars, this solace was different from the opulence of Suntower.
“I thank you for dinner, Lord Azure,” she said.
Azure stood with a smile. “One other thing before you retire, Lady Celestine.”
The world was spinning a little. The stars swirling above. “Yes, Lord Azure?”
His eyes fell upon her neckline.
“Remove your dress.”
Chapter 19