My soul is in tatters.
Azure ate as well, not rushing her, not doting upon her with questions. They ate and listened to the wind. The moon bathed the vast plain in white and blue light, and the fire warmed her. He served her a second bowl and a third until her belly was full.
I’ve been too long without proper meals.
“Do you know the beauty of wooden bowls, Final Bride of Calendar?” Azure’s deep voice brought her eyes from her empty bowl.
“No… Lord Azure.”
He smiled. “Easy cleanup.” He tossed his bowl into the fire.
Celestine laughed, startled by such a thing. She followed suit, and Azure laughed heartily.
“In my land, wine comes after the meal. It keeps fools from being born at the dinner table.” He reached up and pulled a wineskin down of horse-leather. “This was warmed in the fire. Would you like to try?”
Azure handed her the wineskin, and she drank deeply. Hot wine slid down her throat, spiced and tingling so much she shuddered.
She could feel her body again, if for a moment. Azure took the wineskin, taking a long pull.
“Wine isn’t native to my lands. My people love it, but we have to import it from other Banners. Fermented mare’s milk is the drink for most of my people, but it doesn’t agree with every stomach.”
“I’ll have to try it sometime.”
Azure shrugged. “Maybe. Should you choose to stay.”
“I’m free to leave, then? Even back to the Painted Realm?”
“All are free here,” Azure spoke. His handsome face turned serious. “There are no collars here.”
“As you say.” Celestine sat back on her cushions. Suddenly aware of how filthy her dress was. It appeared eating reclined was going to take practice.
“You called Solis another name. What was it?”
“Tristien.” Even saying his name brought a shudder.
"Interesting.” Lord Azure reached into a saddlebag sitting by and withdrew several pouches and a long clay pipe. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all. My father partook from time to time when friends were visiting on business.”
Azure nodded. “Tobacco is a fine leaf, though many grasses, roots, and herbs grow in my lands. I enjoy tobacco with a bit of sweetvine.” Celestine watched him fill the clay pipe with expert precision, taking pinches from several different bags. “I find life, like a well packed pipe, is about conflicting tastes.”
When the pipe was packed to his liking, he leaned forward and snatched a small burning twig from the fire. “Though there are very few pleasures after a meal better than a lit pipe.”
Azure puffed on the pipe, its cherry flashing at her. In a moment, his lips withdrew, and he exhaled myriad spices and scents into the air. The smoke danced away with the campfire. He took another long pull.
“Not what you expected, my great hall, is it?” he asked.
“It is lovely,” Celestine said. She touched the grass beyond the cushion. “Your housekeepers must have a hard time.”
Azure laughed differently, merrier. “You make me laugh, Final Bride.” His eyes relaxed, brown and warm, inviting her in.
If he touches me, I will break.
“We won’t see my great hall until it is time.”
“Until it is, what time?”
“Until you would like to, of course. If you ever do.”